9:00 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2005For early birds, Cindy Sheehan appeared on Good Morning America earlier today.
In Central Texas it is raining, at times hard.
Rumors persist about arrests of Cindy Sheehan and perhaps others on Thursday, as previously reported..
The Lone Star Iconoclast has dispatched two reporters to the Peace House to provide updates as the day progresses.
11:45 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2005Iconoclast reporter Deborah Mathews reporting:
The weather report from Crawford is that it is nasty, 71 degrees and constantly drizzling. A documentarian from Germany is shooting with a bag around her camera. There's lots of water standing everywhere.
Cindy Sheehan is currently in an undisclosed bed and breakfast in Crawford, conducting phone interviews and is expected back at the Peace House or camp area around 1:30 or 2 p.m.
Because Sheehan's phone line is so overwhelmed, persons wanting to contact her are asked to call Ann Wright, CodePink founding member, at 808-741-1141, who will forward messages..
The campers have announced that there will be a thousand crosses erected in the ditches near the campground tomorrow. The crosses have been ordered and a truck left this morning for 24-hour delivery The crosses are being provided by a Veterans for Peace group out of Louisiana.
"We are looking for volunteers" to help put them in, noted Wilson, explaining that law enforcement personnel might be standing behind them pulling them out as fast as they are erected.
Dick Underhill, the Austin chairman for Veterans for Peace, has issued a call for all veterans to come back to Crawford and support Cindy.
A Secret Service agent showed up a little while ago and was talking to some members of CodePink. He was wearing bluejeans and a windbreaker. When the documentarian from Germany pointed her camera at him from about 50 yards away, he positioned his face away from the camera.
Every five minutes a DPS trooper drives by. It appears that they are on some sort of rotation.
The triangular area where the campers were evicted yesterday, standing in water, now has a no trespassing sign posted.
Although unconfirmed, the campers said that a couple of farmers came by earlier and one said, "You have made your point. Why don't you leave." Note was made that there is some talk about the entire road being closed if the campers don't leave, which would make it difficult for the farmers to have access to their property from the road.
Sheehan and about six others spent the night in their tents. Somebody brought a pavillion tent and placed it over the sleeping tents. Otherwise, they said, they would have slept in the rain.