Marc Ash | My Chat with Will Pitt
By Marc Ash
t r u t h o u t | Interview
Tuesday 09 August 2005
With all that's on the radar screen at this point I decided to have a chat with long time TO contributor William Rivers Pitt. We talked about the state of the country, his new work with Progressive Democrats of America and a September full of mobilization. My interview with Will:
MA: Will your voice has become one of the most prominent voices of opposition to the Bush administration. No one should be surprised - your name William Rivers Pitt draws from the legacy of the legendary English seditionist William of Pitt, of whom you are in fact a descendent, no?
WP: Yes, I am a direct descendant of Pitt the Elder on my father's side. His father, my grandfather, became a genealogist after he retired from medicine, and traced our family all the way back to the 1600s. There are a pile of people named "William Pitt" in that line, including the Earl. My favorite quote from that relative has always been, "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
MA: Follow up: Before you rose to prominence as a writer, prior to George W. Bush's rise to power, you were a school teacher. Is the job of reforming a democracy best done by professionals, or is it work best done by ordinary citizens, teachers, bus drivers, bakers, etc?
the rest here: