You can send this to all your friends/family --- religious or otherwise!!
It is one thing when politicians quibble about ending a war. It is quite another to stand beside a mother who has lost a son or daughter. Today we are asking you to do just that.
This morning Celeste Zappala, a Gold Star Mother and lifelong United Methodist Christian, left her home in Pennsylvania for Crawford, Texas, to stand beside her friend, Cindy Sheehan. Sheehan, you recall, has been camping outside the Bush ranch in Crawford where the President is on vacation and where the president has, to date, refused to hear her pleas to bring the war in Iraq to an end.
Celeste, along with Sheehan, co-founded Gold Star Families for Peace, and now joins the effort to see the President as an act of her faith. President Bush is also a United Methodist Christian. We are proud that Celeste is among our community FaithfulAmericans. She takes this courageous stand to honor her son, Sherwood, and her God, knowing well that her position is not universally held; yet her faith compels her to speak out to end the war in Iraq and bring our troops home swiftly.
Celeste has asked for our prayers and support. We are asking you to do just that - and in a mighty way. Let's tell Celeste, her fellow Gold Star mothers (and families) AND the President that her act of faith - her courage - her plea to end this drifting and escalating war - has the support of thousands of FaithfulAmericans of every religion and belief. Here's how:
*Sign our FaithfulAmerica statement of solidarity.
We will forward every name to Celeste as she waits with Cindy Sheehan to see the President. Your name will serve as a powerful witness to the interfaith resolve of this nation to end the Iraq war and bring our brave troops home. Should Celeste have an opportunity to speak with the President, she has agreed to share our statement of support and your name with him. (
*Go to the FaithfulAmerica Website and submit a prayer for Celeste and those standing at the gate in Crawford, Texas. We will do our best to post every prayer over time on our website's prayer room. (
*Tell as many people as you can about this unique opportunity to stand shoulder to shoulder in solidarity against this war.
Celeste has agreed to phone in to FaithfulAmerica and let us know what is happening on the ground in Crawford, Texas. Check our website each day for a daily audio message from Celeste, beginning Wednesday.
The Apostle Paul wrote, "Be watchful, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love." (1 Cor. 16:13-14) May our hearts are unite with this brave mother of a brave soldier, as she speaks truth to power in the days ahead.
Blessings to you,
Vince Isner and your FaithfulAmerica Team