There is a thread here about how a particular democratic couple is self-serving...well clearly the author of the article doesn't seem to recognize self-serving.
The Bush family is the epitome of self-serving, scum sucking, republican family (or lack thereof) values.
How much wealthier will Halliburton be when this rape of our country is over? How much wealthier will the Bushies be?
Bush is a greedy manipulative pig who plays dumb so he won't be mistaken for the spawn of satan that he really is. He prays at church on Sunday so he can PREY upon the american people during the week...more tax cuts for the rich while the rest of us bear the burden of the debt for this disgusting war.
Our servicemen and women are seeing their lives disrupted, their benefits cut and that evil monkey is walking around in a flight suit so he can play soldier.
Bush is the enemy who must be defeated in the 2004 election.
He is the reincarnation of the Gilded Age Robber Barons.. into his puny form all the evil of every nasty capitalist has been directed to seek revenge on the common folk.
Ask yourself is a JOBLESS RECOVERY a good thing??? Is MOUNTING DEBT a good thing? Are HIGH DRUG PRICES AND CORPORATE HEALTHCARE a good thing?
Are things better now than they were FOUR YEARS AGO?