That's "A Little Bit Country," and Matt and Trey made both sides look like complete idiots while they decided which side they were rooting for. That's right: in their eyes, the smartest Liberal is just as wrong and just as stupid as Michelle Malkin. Hey--buy their merchandise!!
They had no such hesitation of judgment when they made Bigger, Longer & Uncut during the Clinton years--ironically prophetic as it was--but being anti-war now, under the Fundie's Pet President, might have really gotten them into trouble.
They call it "libertarianism," but they're just trying to pander as widely as possible, insulting everyone as hoping viewers focus on the jabs pointed at the other side. (And that's as deep as it ever gets on South Park: "Everybody's stupid.")
However, they're not as smart as they thought. Watching Team America: World Police, conservatives were supposed to masturbate to the destruction of Paris and the depictions (and executions) of Sarandon and Moore as terrorist agents, while liberals--being more intelligent, perhaps?--were supposed to perceive those very same elements as "satire" of the crazy neo-cons.
Whoops. They found a few suckers, but not nearly as many as they anticipated.
"A Little Bit Country" ends on the suggestion that wimpy politically-correct Liberals and ignorant violent Rednecks are both vital to America, and should work together.
I invite fans to test that theory by running over to FreeRepublic and try making friends with the worshippers of Cheney, Frist, Santorum, Jack T. Chick and the other Sub-Fundies. Offer to work together with the Yellow Elephants. Kiss the people who shit on Andy. And Cindy. And any war vet who doesn't toe the line.
Good luck with that.