The older dictators fell because they never could supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles and mysteries. Nor did they possess a really effective system of mind-manipulation. Under a scientific dictator, education will really work - with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown.
Brave New World, Huxley)
The sooner you can rid yourself of the idea that "you" are in charge, the sooner you can have a chance of doing anything that will have any impact whatsoever. "You" are not in charge, and probably never have been.
If you effect a "revolution" against Bush, getting some democrat elected instead, you will still be living in a lie, because Bush is not the real problem - the scientific dictatorship, which the so-called US democracy is a variant of, is the real problem. You will have switched from one form of slavery to another, and this time you would ENJOY it, because you FOUGHT sooo hard to get to it! Ah, the irony.
I have no doubt that the lower levels of the democratic party contains many decent people, but if you believe that this extends up to the top you are making a big mistake. And even if they are (for arguments sake) decent they can still be "handled". Take Lewinsky for but one example, what a great blackmail project she was.
As long as you are living in reasonable comfort, with food in stores, and you can walk on the street without being shot, you will most likely continue to believe the lie of your current state. It will take too much effort to do anything real. The problem is that once you get to the state where there is no food in stores and you can't walk on the streets without being shot, it will be too late. And that day is approaching fast.
Have you been paying attention to the economy? No? Rising oil prices, decoupled Yuan and home-owners going bankrupt by the thousands. When ordinary americans can no longer sustain themselves, when they get to the point where desperation sets in, isn't it just great that there are terrorist laws in effect that allow the president to put them in camps for any time period without trial. This isn't the future, kids, this is tomorrow we're talking, so get used to it.
Sorry about the gloomy vision, but you folks need to wake up, like, now. The rest of the world depends on it! Thanks for listening.