...or as much. On Larry King tonight, talking about Peter Jennings, Bernard Shaw said:
"In the Middle East, where freedom of the press is a stranger, the mindset is: either you're for us, or you're against us."
...and then said how Jennings was the opposite of this mindset, but I couldn't listen anymore. I mean, didn't he hear the bitter irony in what he was saying, or did he perchance intend it?
I quoted from memory, but CNN already has a transcript:
SHAW: Well, I understood it. I understood it. I like to think I understood it fully. First of all, in the Middle East, where freedom of the press is a stranger, the mind-set is, you're either for us or you are against us. Enter Peter Jennings, with his journalistic background and his discipline. He wants to hear everybody's side. He wants to hear why people take the positions they do. And then he reports that.
Well, with that kind of parity and viewpoint being broadcast on ABC News, he was regarded as a heretic, not to be trusted. The man was doing his job the way he knew it was supposed to be done.
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0508/09/lkl.01.html(edited the darn div tag)