Indiana is actually taking the clocks out of their drivers license facilities...distraction, or deception??? Hmmmm...more Repug "genius" at work. :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:
From the local paper in Indianapolis: clocks at license branches? No problem!
Did you happen to see a report this week about the Bureau of Motor Vehicles banning clocks at its branches?
In what has to join the list of Most Bizarre Government Policies Ever, BMV bosses have decided that hiding clocks is a great way to make long waits seem shorter. Without clocks to watch, people standing in long lines supposedly won't be able to complain about just how long they've been waiting.
I'm not kidding. Someone who collects a paycheck from Indiana taxpayers actually came up with this idea.
At first I thought the idea was part of a plan by Gov. Mitch Daniels' administration to dampen the furor over daylight-saving time. Just hide all of our clocks! But no, this is actually a serious attempt to reduce customer complaints at the BMV by preventing clock-watching.EDITED BY ADMIN: COPYRIGHT