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Call Here: (202) 456-1414
Washington office of President George Bush
(please call between 9am & 5pm)
Ask For: White House switchboard
1) You cannot send people's children off to risk their lives and then not give them the dignity of explaining why. Though you have given 'reasons' for the death of Casey Sheehan and almost 2000 others, claiming they died heroes in the quest for freedom, those explanations have become hollow as it becomes clear that our 'reasons' for going to war weren't reasonable at all. There are no weapons of mass destruction and we have not brought stability to the region. The Downing Street Memos make it clear that you had no plans for creating stability.
2) Cindy Sheehan's son died in this ill-conceived war, along with many other sons and daughters, and she wants to meet with you about it. You were given the power by Congress to begin this war, and thus you are the one accountable for it. If you are, indeed, interested in military families and their welfare, you MUST listen to what Cindy Sheehan has to say.