walls within the CIA, behind which these operations take place..."
-- Indira Singh
"Certain elements" within the FBI knew about Mohammet Ata and others (and they knew much more), and "certain other elements" within the FBI blocked the investigations. Same thing with the CIA.
"We have agent Robert Wright of the Chicago FBI, who’s giving congressional testimony, and, umm, he stands on the steps of the Capitol, bursts into tears, apologizes to the 9-11 families, the victims, that he didn’t do everything he could to prevent 9-11 from happening, that his investigations were repeatedly shut down. And I almost fell over, because he announced that his investigation was the investigation into Yassan Khadi, the same Sheikh Yassan Khadi who was the money man behind Ptech. And, umm, you could not ask for a more direct connection to 9-11 than that."
"In fact, and this has to be made very clear, there are some extraordinarily real patriotic Americans and good people in the FBI, as has been said by, I believe, Agent Colleen Rowley, one of the FBI whistleblowers’ bosses, that there’s a wall in the FBI, and this has been validated to me by various attorneys in Houston, who are very close to the power bases, and are pretty ticked-off at what’s happening in this country and are speaking out, as are many CIA agents who are very concerned that it has gone too far, as are many NSA agents who are concerned that it’s gone too far, and FBI agents. So we have a lot of people who are speaking out, they’ve kept quiet too long; they’re afraid, they’re afraid of what’s happening to this country. And when I say the Third Reich, what is happening to this country, they say, and I will identify ‘they’ if pressed, they say, will make the Third Reich look like a tea party."
-- Indira Singh
Super-double-secret military intelligence task force, my ass.
Interviews with Indira Singh
KPFA "Guns and Butter"
http://www.kpfa.org/archives/archives.php?id=13&limit=N"Ground Zero 911, Blueprint For Terror, Part Two" July 20th 2005
http://www.kpfa.org/cgi-bin/gen-mpegurl.m3u?server= (mp3)
"Ground Zero 911, Blueprint For Terror, Part One" April 27th 2005
http://www.kpfa.org/cgi-bin/gen-mpegurl.m3u?server= (mp3)
transcript of part 2
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=103&topic_id=142316also see
Indira Singh testimony before the 9-11 Citizens Commission headed by Cynthia McKinney
http://911busters.com/911-Commission.html (audio and video)
- Indira Singh Sibel's Letter (testimony starts at about 10min.)
- Indira Singh and Ruppert Questions and Answers
http://www.justicefor911.org/September-Hearings.doc (transcript)