Now that we have more than 100 DU Groups, we felt it was well past time to impose just a little bit of organization. We have placed all of the DU Groups into five different category folders, representing five different broad subject groupings. Check it out: of the groups fit pretty easily into one of the five folders, but some were not such an easy fit. If you feel that your group has been placed in the incorrect folder, please contact me so we can discuss it.
Also, a few of the DU Groups do not get very much traffic. In the next week or so, we will go through the Groups and decide which ones should be removed.
Here are the Folders and their contents:
Al Gore '08 Group
Barbara Boxer Supporters Group
Democracy for America Group
Dennis Kucinich Supporters Group
Hillary Clinton Supporters Group
John Conyers Group
John Edwards Supporters Group
John Kerry Group
Mark Warner Group
Progressive Democrats of America Group
Russ Feingold Group
Southern Democrats and Progressives Group
Wesley Clark Supporters Group
Countdown/Keith Olbermann Group
Daily Show with Jon Stewart Group
Draft Discussion Group
Economic Activism and Progressive Living Group
Feminists Group
Frame the Debate Group
Peak Oil Group
PNAC and Neocon Agenda Group
Propaganda Debunking Group
Sibel Edmonds and other Whistleblowers Group
Social Security Solutions Group
Vegetarian, Vegan and Animal Rights Group
African-American Issues Group
Ancient Wisdom and Pagan Spirituality Group
Atheists and Agnostics Group
Catholic and Orthodox Christian Group
Christian Liberals/Progressive People of Faith Group
Irish Affairs Group
Jewish Group
Native American Group
Prayer Circle Group (non-denominational)
Scottish Group
Seekers On Unique Paths Group
American History Group
Animation Group
Artists Group
Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing Group
Automobile Enthusiasts Group
Baseball Group
Bicycling Group
Birders Group
Bloggers Group
Bob Dylan Group
Classic Films Group
Classical Music Group
Comic Book Group
Computer Help and Support Group
Cooking & Baking Group
DIY, Home Improvement, & Crafts Group
Electronic Music Group
Fantasy Literature Group
Football Group
Gaming Group
Gardening Group
Graphics Group
Groupe Francophone
Grateful Dead Group
Hip Hop Group
Humor Group
Languages and Linguistics Group
Macintosh Users' Group
Music Appreciation Group
Musicians' Group
Outdoor Life Group
Open Source and Free Software Group
Personal Finance and Investing Group
Pets Group
Philosophy Group
Photography Group
Poetry Group
Science Fiction Group
Skepticism, Science and Pseudoscience Group
Soccer/Football Group
TV Chat Group
True Crime Group
Weather Group
Website, DB, & Software Developers Group
World History Group
Addiction/Recovery Group
Adoption Group
Ancestry/Genealogy Group
Baby Boomers Group
Bereavement Group
Chronic Health Conditions Discussion and Support Group
College Group
Coping with Divorce or Separation Group
Exercise and Fitness Group
Fat Acceptance Group
Homeschooling Group
Higher Education Professors and Instructors Group
Interracial/Multi-ethnic Relationship Support Group
Loners Group
Mental Health Support Group
Parenting Group
Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Group
Smoking Cessation Group
Weight Loss/Maintenance Group
Women's World