Article Last Updated: 8/09/2005 09:25 PM
City to give away flight tickets
$20,000 idea may keep airline in valley
By Jim Skeen, Staff Writer
LA Daily News
PALMDALE - Still not flying enough passengers in and out of Palmdale to break even, Las Vegas-based Scenic Airlines got a boost from Palmdale city government, which bought $20,000 worth of tickets.
City officials, told that the city's only airline would pull out by October if its passenger loads didn't increase, will give away the 90 round-trip tickets at a weekly downtown festival and at weekend park concerts to promote the flights to Las Vegas.
The airline has averaged 17 passengers a day through the first half of 2005 but needs about 21 to break even on a flight, according to city officials and Los Angeles World Airports statistics.
City officials said one of the problems with the airline had been the aircraft, a 19-seat DeHavilland Twin Otter fine for Grand Canyon sightseeing trips Scenic's original purpose but uncomfortable for regular passenger service.
(snip) Skeen, (661) 267-5743