Edited on Wed Aug-10-05 06:57 PM by Zenlitened
... your little exercise here tonight complete.
You've applied the techniques of distortion and obfuscation well. Even made a few well-timed retreats when it became clear that your own statements were contradicting themselves. But your argument started out flawed and remained that way, despite your repetition.
What fills me, if not with joy then a sense of encouragement, is that so many posters in this thread saw right through to the illogic in your position, and articulated their criticisms so well. Time was, a thread like this would have been swarming with comments echoing your own tiresome point of view. But I think DU has been doing an awful lot of growing lately, embracing its progressive ideals ever more tightly, and rejecting apologists and con-artists whose only effect seems to be to muddy the waters.
My precious ego? You don't know the half of it, if that's the level at which you're operating. It's about my precious country. About being true to our ideals, facing up to hard facts when necessary. Facing down those who wish to divide us on the way to conquering our country utterly and for all time.
Try to view the bigger picture, and perhaps you'll learn to take less of an interest in playing games, more of an interest in making a positive contribution.