Issue One Hundred Sixty Seven
TBR News August 8, 2005
The Voice of the White House
The Decline and Fall of the American Media
Greta Van Susteren Cleans Up in Aruba
Bush and Civil Rights
Civil-liberties board struggles into existence
Letters to the Editor:
The Conspiracy Corner
The Bush Indictment Fiction: A Warning to the Curious!
The Harring Report: The National Young Men’s Meat Grinder
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 44 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 8 August, 2005 – Official Total of 1,951 US Dead to date (and rising)
The mass graves for unreported dead GIs in Iraq finally uncovered
The Full, Official U.S. Army Iraqi Casualty list, Alphabetized
The U.S. Department of Defense Casualty Statistics
America’s Top Blog Spot
One blog created 'every second': The Idiot’s Delight!
Issue One Hundred Sixty Six
TBR News August 5, 2005
The Voice of the White House
The Decline and Fall of the Bush Administration
Military Planners Tell Bush Iraq War 'Cannot be Won'
AP Poll: Approval of Bush's handling of Iraq reaches low point
Letters to the Editor
Bush’s 800 lb Incontinent Gorilla
Ambassador Bolton to take the UN floor/s
Reviving 'the radical center'
The Conspiracy Corner
Federal Whistle Blower Claims Chicago Grand Jury Indicted Bush And Others For Perjury and Obstruction Of Justice; U.S. Attorney's Office Says 'No Comment,' Refusing To Confirm Or Deny Alleged Indictments
The Harring Report: The National Young Men’s Meat Grinder
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 31 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 5 August, 2005 – Official Total of 1,938 US Dead to date (and rising)
A Young Man's Death: What Have We Come To?
The mass graves for unreported dead GIs in Iraq finally uncovered
The Full, Official U.S. Army Iraqi Casualty list, Alphabetized
The U.S. Department of Defense Casualty Statistics-
Official Displeasure
2 Iraq veterans stationed at Fort Hood kill themselves
Issue One Hundred Sixty Five
TBR News August 1, 2005
The Voice of the White House
Troubles in America’s Oil Supply
Saudi Arabia's King Fahd Dies in Riyadh
The Disaster in Iraq
Is America's War Winding Up?
Gunboat Diplomacy does not work anymore
Uzbekistan evicts US from base
Young Republicans: Dumpster Divers Honored
They’re Eager to Serve … After Their Own Fashion
Retreat in Europe: Advance in Iran
US military reveals names of German bases to close
Thunder from the Christian Right
Three Strikes Against John Roberts
The Harring Report: The National Young Men’s Meat Grinder
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 66 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 29 July, 2005 – Official Total of 1,907 US Dead to date (and rising)
The U.S. Department of Defense Casualty Statistics-
An Open Letter to Rep (R.) Rick Santorum
Letter to the Editor
America’s Top Blog Spot
Major Art Fraud; A Brief History
The Anatomy of a Fraud
Issue One Hundred Sixty Four
TBR News July 29, 2005
The Voice of the White House
End-Game in Iraq: Vietnam Revisited
Oil and Blood
You Call This a War?
Iraq's catalogue of death
'Enemies of humanity' quote raises Iraq PR questions
US majority doubts America will win Iraq war: poll
AIPAC, the Neocons and the Mossad: A Study in Subversion and Treason: Part 3
The Enemy Within
The London Bomb Conspiracies
Something Evil This Way Comes?
From Kings Cross to Armageddon?
British Police Debate if London Plotters Were Suicide Bombers, or Dupes
The Harring Report: The National Young Men’s Meat Grinder
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 58 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 29 July, 2005 – Official Total of 1,899 US Dead to date (and rising)
The Full, Official U.S. Army Iraqi Casualty list, Alphabetized
The U.S. Department of Defense Casualty Statistics-
The mass graves for unreported dead GIs in Iraq finally uncovered
As Recruiting Suffers, Military Reins In Abuses at Boot Camp
The Pentagon’s Experiments in Crowd-Control
Details of US microwave-weapon tests revealed
Issue One Hundred Sixty Three
TBR News July 25, 2005
The Voice of the White House
The Death of the Empire
The Eagle Has Crash Landed
AIPAC, the Neocons and the Mossad: A Study in Subversion and Treason: Part 2
The Enemy Within: AIPAC
International Relations
The Anti-Neocon
The Octopus
Treaty gives CIA powers over Irish citizens
The Economic Miracle
Economic Treason
Winning the War on Terrorism
Patriot Act: Terror Attacks Just in the Nick of Time
Terrorism and the Message of Carnage
Striking fear in Italy
Attacks on UK will continue, radical cleric says
The Boring Rove Scandal
Bush aide misled FBI, say reports
The Harring Report: The Pentagon Follies
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 52 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 23 July, 2005 – Official Total of 1,893 US Dead to date (and rising)
The Full, Official U.S. Army Iraqi Casualty list, Alphabetized
The U.S. Department of Defense Casualty Statistics
Issue One Hundred Sixty Two
TBR News July 22, 2005
The Voice of the White House
Victory is Upon Us!
Iraq Fiasco and the Withdrawal Paradox
Neocons Attack to Defend
Attack! Attack! Attack!
The British Bombings: Alternative Views
Forcing the facts to fit the theory
Buying the United States
Getting what’s Paid For: A history of Israeli bribery
Pro-Israel PAC Contributions to 2004 Congressional Candidates
The Harring Report: The Pentagon Follies
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 48 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 20 July, 2005 – Official Total of 1,889 US Dead to date (and rising)
Landstuhl treats its 25,000th patient in ‘war on terror’
Why Few Graphic Images from Iraq Make it to U.S. Papers
The Full, Official U.S. Army Iraqi Casualty list, Alphabetized
Official and Actual Casualties of the Iraqi/Afghanistan War:
Most soldiers in Iraq report low unit morale: army study
Soldiers in Iraq battle psychological stress
The Great Depleted Uranium Scandal
The Other Side of the Fence
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 18 July 2005.
America’s Top Blog Spot
Issue One Hundred Sixty One
TBR News July 18, 2005
The Voice of the White House
The Turd Blossom Follies, Part 2
Bush's 'brain' leaked: Did Bush know?
Top White House advisers named as CIA leak sources
The Harring Report: The Pentagon Follies
Will the Real Brian Harring Stand Up?
One Rule for Them ...
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 40 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 17 July, 2005 – Official Total of 1,881 US Dead to date (and rising)
Official DoD Casualty list of December, 2003
Boots on the Ground, Hearts on Their Sleeves
128,000 Iraqis killed: 55% women & Children
The Great Depleted Uranium Scandal
What hath the DoD Wrought!
America’s Top Blog Spot
Issue One Hundred Sixty
TBR News July 15, 2005
The Voice of the White House
The Price of Toleration?
Newspapers warn of threat to America from 'Londonistan'
Karl Rove, Bush’s Turd Blossom Unveiled
Rove’ Problems Mount
White House Won't Comment on Rove, Leak
Getting Off Scott Free: AP Presents McClellan's Past Quotes on Rove and Plame
The Harring Report
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 36 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 14 July, 2005 – Official Total of 1,877 US Dead to date (and rising)
Official and Actual Casualties of the Iraqi/Afghanistan War:
Number Of Iraq Casualties Is Double Official Figures
Pentagon Figures Don't Add Up
Issue One Hundred Fifty Nine
TBR News July 11, 2005
The Voice of the White House
Defeat in Iraq:
U.S., Britain planning troop withdrawal
The Destruction of Russia
Who Lost Russia?
The Harring Report
Will the Real Brian Harring Stand Up?
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 31 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 11 July, 2005 – Official Total of 1,872 US Dead to date (and rising)
The Full, Official U.S. Army Iraqi Casualty list, Alphabetized
The U.S. Department of Defense Casualty Statistics-
Official and Actual Casualties of the Iraqi/Afghanistan War:
Army National Guard misses recruiting goal ninth straight month
Issue One Hundred Fifty Eight
TBR News July 8, 2005
The Voice of the White House
Rebirth of the Assassins
'Barbaric' terror explosions strike London, kill dozens
Previous terror attacks on Western targets:
The Revival of the Assassins of Alamut
Building our new Wehrmacht
New Pentagon Data Base on America’s Teenaged Cannon Fodder
Withdrawal in Afghanistan?
Chinese-led regional security group urges US to set timetable for withdrawal of troops.
Increase in Top Secret Leaks
Insider Espionage Threat is Growing, DoD Study Says
The Harring Report
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 27 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 6 July, 2005 – Official Total of 1,868 US Dead to date (and rising)
The Full, Official U.S. Army Iraqi Casualty list, Alphabetized
The U.S. Department of Defense Casualty Statistics
Official and Actual Casualties of the Iraqi/Afghanistan War:
Russia Will Equip Iranian Subs with Missiles
British Archives Alleged to Contain Fake Files
Files on Himmler 'murder' exposed as fake
'Revelations' that cheered the Right
Issue One Hundred Fifty Seven
TBR News July 4, 2005
The Voice of the White House
The Iraqi Disaster
US dwindling options in Iraq
Bush administration to keep control of internet's central computers
The Harring Report
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 16 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 2 July, 2005 – Official Total of 1,857 US Dead to date (and rising)
The Full, Official U.S. Army Iraqi Casualty list, Alphabetized
The U.S. Department of Defense Casualty Statistics-
Official and Actual Casualties of the Iraqi/Afghanistan War: August 2003 Part 4
Credibility Gap
Plague in the Wings?
Bird flu: An ill wind from the East
America’s Top Blog Spot
Issue One Hundred Fifty Six
TBR News July 1, 2005
The Voice of the White House
Beltway Payola
Big contributors to GOP reap big post-election rewards
The Harring Report
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 90 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 30 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,841 US Dead to date (and rising)
The Full, Official U.S. Army Iraqi Casualty list, Alphabetized
Official and Actual Casualties of the Iraqi/Afghanistan War:
The first, not the last throes
Pace of troop deaths up in Iraq
US Army faces risk in reaching recruitment goal
US misled UK over Iraq fire bombs
Army recruiting up for June but still down for year
The Conspiracy Corner
Issue One Hundred Fifty Five
TBR News June 27, 2005
The Voice of the White House
The Harring Report
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 80 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 21 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,8312 US Dead to date (and rising)
The Full, Official Casualty list, Alphabetized
The U.S. Department of Defense Casualty Statistics
Most in poll reject return of military draft
The tipping point
The Army’s Hard Sell
Issue One Hundred Fifty Four
TBR News June 24, 2005
The Voice of the White House
The Fatal Bush Lies
They Died So Republicans Could Take the Senate
British bombing raids were illegal, says Foreign Office
Poll shows Americans 'generally in a funk'
Bush's imprint: A blueprint for failure
Homeland Insecurity
U.S. Borders Vulnerable, Witnesses Say
US Military Report: The High Death Rates exposed by Brian Harring
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 71 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 21 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,822 US Dead to date (and rising)
The Full, Official Casualty list, Alphabetized
The U.S. Department of Defense Casualty Statistics- Part 1
Iraqi Resistance Report
Letters to the Editor
Issue One Hundred Fifty Three
TBR News June 20, 2005
The Voice of the White House
US Military Report: The High Death Rates exposed by Brian Harring
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 63 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 17 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,814 US Dead to date (and rising)
The Full, Official Casualty list, Alphabetized
Letters to the Editor
US officers 'murdered by soldier'
Karimov Breaks the Bridges, US Base Moves Out
Uzbeks ban U.S. night flights
Breaking ranks
The President’s Dilemmas
Bush: Pulling Out of Iraq Not an Option
Bush's Road Gets Rougher
Someone Else's Child
Economic History
A brief study in advanced geo-political economics
The Amen Corner
Christian Dominionistas: A Satanic Cult
Frist Plagued Again by Comments on Schiavo
Frist asked to atone for killing cats
America’s Top Blog Spot
Issue One Hundred Fifty Two
TBR News June 17, 2005
The Voice of the White House
US Military Report: The High Death Rates exposed by Brian Harring
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 52 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 15 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,803 US Dead to date (and rising)
The Full, Official Casualty list, Alphabetized
U.S. Problems with Israel
Israel tries to defuse arms sale dispute with US
The Dance of the Crackpots
Media Blackouts
Growing Resistance to Bush programs, policies
Congress bucking on budget
US dragged down by news from Iraq
How Bush Is Contributing to Civil War in Iraq
House Votes to Limit Patriot Act
The Public Hog Trough
Scrutinized Investment Made Senator $822,000
America’s Top Blog Spot
Issue One Hundred Fifty One
TBR News June 12, 2005
America’s Enemies!
The Voice of the White House
US Military Report: The High Death Rates exposed by Brian Harring
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 40 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 11 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,791 US Dead to date (and rising)
The Full, Official Casualty list, Alphabetized
New questions raised on US military casualty count:
They Won't Go
The Iraqi Report
Things Fall Apart: Anarchy in US Forces
Security contractor says Marines abused him and other contractors in Iraq
Contractors Say Marines Behaved Abusively
The Return of "Fragging"?
The Army's Bungled Recruitment
US To Be Stuck In Middle East 'In Perpetuity'
British Ministers were told by Blair of need for Gulf war ‘excuse’
The Text of the Secret Paper
USA Today and the Downing Street Memo
The War in the United States
Poll: USA is losing patience on Iraq
More in Congress Want Iraq Exit Strategy: Unease grows as war backing collapses
Report: Brits Skeptical of U.S. Postwar Planning for Iraq
Americans losing patience with war in Iraq: poll
Americans Turn Against Bush and a War on Iraq that is Getting Nowhere
White House official resigns after climate documents flap
Vices from the Past
Nixon's empire strikes back
International Reactions to the Bush Foreign Policy
Russia ready for pre-emptive strikes
Issue One Hundred Fifty
TBR News June 9, 2005
The Voice of the White House
Desperate for Terror Arrests, FBI Turns to Entrapment
US Military Report: The High Death Rates Exposed by Brian Harring
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 23US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 8 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,774 US Dead to date (and rising)
Five US marines killed in Iraq blast, 17 bodies found
Psychological warfare effort to be outsourced
High-Level Hacking: No Computer is Safe by Brian Harring
British UFO Hacker Faces 70 Years In Prison
Secret IP numbers revealed through court case
Military Misadventures
Soldiers' divorce rates up sharply
When Marine recruiters go way beyond the call: Lies and Kidnapping
Charlie Rangel's at it again.
Draft system prepared
More Democracy for Iraq
U.S. Probing Private Security Guards in Iraq
Economic Disasters
U.S. April Trade Gap Widens to $57 Bln as Imports Increase
Personal Data for 3.9 Million Lost in Transit
Issue One Hundred Fifty
TBR News June 6, 2005
The Voice of the White House
Vocabulary Malfunction #38,544
Another Family Values Supporter for Bush
Bush's Foreign Policy Shifting:
Harry Brunser Report
The Likudists: What goes up, has to come down
The War Party on Trial
US Military Report: The High Death Rates Exposed!
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 14 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 5 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,765 US Dead to date (and rising)
”As of October 9, 2003 per DoD including Army Surgeon General’s Statistical Division, Casualty Summary:
Haven’t we had enough of this?
A History of Liberty and Justice in America
In Tulsa, Keeping Alive 1921's Painful Memory Recognition, Reparations Sought for Race Riot
The Weather Report
Secret Pentagon Report: Climate Change Will Destroy Us
The Iron Hand : Bringing Bush Democracy to America
US Martial Law and Domestic Detention Camps as of December 1, 2004
The Pentagon Follies
Growing Problem for Military Recruiters: Parents
America’s Most Brilliant Political and Intellectual Journal
Issue One Hundred Forty Nine
TBR News June 3, 2005
The Republican Congress in Action: The Trickle-Down theory
Virus Warning!
Voice of the White House
Secret Diplomacy
The Potocki Documents
Harry Brunser Report
The Oligarchy: Justice Delayed: Slow but Certain
Russian Oil Tycoon Is Convicted and Sentenced to 9 Years in Jail
Russian oil chiefs arrested
Israeli firms 'ran vast spy ring'
Official FBI Spying on all computers begun
Big Brother Tries to Muscle ISPs
US Military Report: Bush’s Achilles’ Heel
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 86 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 2 through 30 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,749 US Dead to date (and rising)
An Idea Whose Time Has Come: Look for the Truth in the Jest!
Issue One Hundred Forty Eight
TBR News May 30, 2005
The Republican Congress in Action: The Trickle-Down theory
The Voice of the White House
Stretching credulity
The Likudists and Our National-Socialist Foreign Policy
The Neocons’ Second Front
The Voice of the People is the Voice of God
Yearbook Prank Rankles Colorado School
The Sycophant’s Circle
American Reporter Needs Help Understanding Why The World Hates Bush
Nuclear Talks End in Discord
The Honor Among Thieves Society
DeLay sucking the fat out of a pork laden bill.
US Military Report: Bush’s Achilles’ Heel
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 84 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 2 through 28 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,747 US Dead to date (and rising)
The Amen Corner
Heaven on Earth? Or in the mind? A study of realities and fantasy
Daily Pus Blog
May 30th
Issue One Hundred Forty Seven
TBR News May 27, 2005
The Voice of the White House
Mother Bulldog’s Amazing Adventures in the Monkey Palace
America’s Best Ally Strikes Again
AIPAC Wants You to Die in Iran
The Franklin Affair: A Spreading Treason
World Economy
Stronger Yuan Won't Mend U.S. Apparel Industry: Caroline Baum
Pipelineistan's biggest game begins
Resistance Inside the Beltway
G.O.P. Senator Sends Letter to Colleagues Opposing Bolton
Bringing Enlightened Democracy to the Heathen
AMNESTY: Israel Perpetrated War Crimes Against Palestinians
The Ministry of Propaganda
Bush: "You Have To Keep Repeating Things To Catapult The Propaganda"
The Media as an Instrument of War
US Military Report: Bush’s Achilles’ Heel
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 72 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 2 through 25 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,735 US Dead to date (and rising)
The Amen Corner
’Christian’ doctors condemn stem-cell experiments
Antievolution bill dies in Missouri
Issue One Hundred Forty Six
TBR News May 23, 2005
The Voice of the White House
Letters to the Editor
Political Analysis
Approval slips for Bush and Congress
Link to Lobbyist Brings Scrutiny to G.O.P. Figure
Things fall apart: Bush’s second term
Playing The Press For A Patsy
Armageddon: Bringing it on
Financial News
Japan and China Stop Buying US Debt. Is Caribbean Take-Over Safe?
More than 100,000 notified of possible record theft
US Military Report: Bush’s Achilles’ Heel
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 57 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 2 through 20 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,720 US Dead to date (and rising)
The Amen Corner: Madness & Methodism
The New Christian National Socialist Manifesto
The Joining of Church & State
Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power
Talking in Tongues’ for Fun and Profit.
Always look for the truth in the jest
Residents Claim Neighbors Bombarding Them With Radiation
Issue One Hundred Forty Five
TBR News May 20, 2005
The Voice of the White House
The Pink Triangle: Gays in Republican Leadership
Just How Gay Is the Right?
Harry Brunser Reports
The Polymorph and Perverse Republican Senator Sanatorium of PA: Or, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Payment Deferred
FBI: Grenade found at Bush rally could have exploded
The Expanding Koran Scandal
Newsweek Got It Right
Red Cross raised Guantanamo Koran concerns
The resignation of Scott McClellan
Desecration of Koran Had Been Reported Before
Onward! Christian Soldiers
Abuses of power
In US Report Brutal Details of 2 Afghan Inmates' Deaths
British MP Destroys Senator Coleman
Galloway attacks Senate for 'mother of all smokescreens'
Galloway vs. The US Senate: Transcript of Statement
Galloway's Name Forged On UN Oil For Food Paper
US Military Report: Bush’s Achilles’ Heel
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 54 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 2 through 18 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,717 US Dead to date (and rising)
The Amen Corner
7 Members of Louisiana Church Charged With Abuse of Children
Evangelical College May Give Bush Cool Reception
Issue One Hundred Forty Four
TBR News May 16, 2005
The Voice of the White House
Dreams of the future:
Letting Nukes Happen
The Pink Triangle: Fudgepacking in the White House
Letters to the Editor
Mexico's Fox toughens talk on U.S. immigration law
The Koran Scandal
Newsweek apologizes for story that sparked deadly violence
What is Past is Prologue
100 Mistakes for the President to Choose From
The Amen Corner
Separation of Church and Air Force Or: Team Jesus Drops the Ball
The Israeli Connections
The Vatican's Sin of Omission
Counterpoint: Our Catastrophe Was the Creation of Israel
US Military Report: Bush’s Achilles’ Heel
The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 47 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 2 through 15 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,710 US Dead to date (and rising)
Iraqi Pipeline Attacks- April/May, 2005
U.S. Desertions Surge: Over 5,000 known
The deserters: AWOL crisis hits the US forces