Below is a great example of getting your local paper to cover Camp Casey news. If you are in Crawford, or heading to Crawford, or someone from your family/town is in Crawford.... contact YOUR local newspaper and let them know. A local paper is much more likely to do a news story about Cindy Sheehan if there is a local angle (see story below). If you need help figuring out who/how to contact at your local paper... email me.
Generally speaking, you want to go to your paper's website, look in the "about this newspaper" section, and find an editorial contact in the news department. Send a friendly email, or phone them.
Local women join war protester
By Alex Roth
The idea of making a spontaneous trip to President Bush's vacation ranch was born when Julie Decker read a newspaper article a couple of days ago and immediately called her good friend Tiffany Strause.
The story was about a Northern California woman whose son had been killed in Iraq and who subsequently decided to camp out in front of Bush's Texas ranch until she got a face-to-face meeting with him.
Yesterday morning, a day after reading the piece, Strause, who lives in San Marcos, and Decker, who lives in Carlsbad, were on a plane to Crawford, Texas, to join the woman in her vigil.
full story: