When was the moment that you discovered how jaw-droppingly, forehead-slappingly ignorant and bigoted right-wingers on the internet are, for the first time?
I have two. The first was when, discussing Fox News with an erstwhile young Republican on the internets, I jokingly quoted Homer Simpson: "They're the only news station to tell it like it really is - that everything is just fine!" He, of course, didn't get the joke and thought I'd come over to his point of view.
The other was talking about evolution with a guy who could only respond to scientific points with Bible scripture. I said, again jokingly, "...unless you're one of those wacky people that thinks that all dinosaur bones were planted by liberal homosexual college professors." Again, not a trace of irony for my discussion partner... he was indeed "one of those wacky people", and obviously rabidly proud of it too.
Since then I've learned never to try and use sarcasm with right-wingers - they don't get it, and they probably hold the exact views you're trying to satirise. And I've learned never to be shocked at how dumb they are.