MoDo points out in today's Times (new slogan: "All the news that doesn't prove our complicity"), Team Bush's handling of the Cindy Sheehan vigil is remarkably tone-deaf, and could prove quite costly. With President Compassion holed up at his pseudo ranch for the next month, a cordon of protesters baking in the Texas sun will make compelling TV, and could make Bush's compound look like the Baghdad Green Zone: a heavily armed myopic oasis, surrounded by unpleasant, dangerous reality. Those living in Green Zone 1 dare not leave; their fear of what waits is well-founded. By appearing to hide from political danger in Green Zone 2, Bush will only elevate Sheehan's stature, and reinforce the perception that he is afraid to confront the consequences of his actions, even when no more threatening than a 40ish American mother.
not knowing the layout of the land around Green Zone 2, I ask this question: can protesters approach the Zone from other areas or just where Cindy is located? can the Zone be surrounded like Green Zone 1 is surrounded?