Edited on Mon Sep-29-03 01:53 PM by Plaid Adder
In the Plaidder household, it is still very much up in the air how we will vote when we finally get the chance. The reality is, alas, that our primary will come too late in the year to make a damn bit of difference, as most of the candidates will ahve dropped out by then and it will be a foregone conclusion anyway. Nevertheless, we could still pick a candidate to back and follow his/her fortunes the way you follow a sports team, even without any sense of agency...and we haven't.
It's not because we don't know the names, in fact we are both apparently among the few people in America who can name them all. In fact I have made up a little poem to help people remember them in alphabetical order:
First comes General Wesley Clark, Who some find a horse too dark; Then the Doctor Howard Dean-- Too right, too left, too inbetween? Next John Edwards, fair of face; Will the South give him the race? Dick Gephardt next, who long has toiled, And seems to always wind up spoiled, Bob Graham reopened 9/11, But his race somehow seems half-run, John Kerry's medals brightly gleam, But is he running out of steam? Dennis Kucinich next comes in-- Progressives drool! But can he win? From left to right: Joe Lieberman! Who's hoping he'll beat Bush--again. Give props to Carol Moseley-Braun For taking the whole boys' club on; Al Sharpton talks a real good game, And is ignored, which is a shame. Now when we have ten candidates, Some say that is too full a slate, But as these 10 come down the pike, There's so much there that folks might like! From Dennis through to Lieberman, Each swing-voter can find his man! Or if of men you've had your fill, Why Moseley-Braun will fit the bill. Why hurry to deplete the hoard? Stay and enjoy the smorgasboard! Postpone the agony of choice, For each one running has a voice, And while the field stays green and lush, There's TEN FOLKS OUT THERE BASHING BUSH!
The end,
The Plaid Adder