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He is on vaca for 5 weeks i don't underst and why he cant take an hour to see somebody whose life he's devastated....
MSNBC: What do you think * is thinking about what you have to say?
C: i don't know what he's been thinking, i don't want to speculate
MSNBC: what do you want to say? what do you think he'd say
C: i want to ask thim the noble cause, has he encouraged his daughters to replace troops on their 3rd TDY
MSNBC: * says we have to complete the mission
C: i don't wan my son's honor to complete the mission, i want it to bring the troops home
MSNBC: I MISSED THIS QUESTION something about shouldn't she be angry with the terrorists who took her son's life and not *
C: terrorists didn't take his life he was only killed because we are an occupying force
MSNBC: Why has your position changed since you first met with *
C: Read the whole story, my position hasn't changed, its become more clarified because of DSM...no WMD's where were those reports before my son died
C: i love those kids over there, i don't want anyone else to suffer
MSNBC: unlikely for * to come meet you but you did meet woth steven hadley
C: yes and also joe hagan, it amazes mem that he didn't know i met with *, they didn't know til saturday
C: i might be a grieving mom, but i'm not stupid. you don't look stupid, you don't look like you believe what youre telling me
MSNBC: are you associated with Michael Moore and moveon.org...
C: I did a commercial with moveon. did know michael moore. there is a blog on his site. this is my vision, there's nothing wrong with the anti war movement. any group that's anti war can come down here
MSNBC: do you feel used? are you using each other
C: i feel they're helping me. one goal , to bring the troops home; we're on the same page, anti war
MSNBC: do you think what youre doing is helping the cause
C: Yes, helping. 62% think war is a mistake this is giving them a way to stand up and be counted
C: public response is overwhelming, coming from all over the world
Crawford Peace House...mentioned...no DU
MSNBC: Condolences for your loss.