Oil is up over $66 a barrel. It's really hurting a lot of people for a lot of different reasons.
Our finest die in Iraq every damn day, for what? To satisfy the ego of a group of fanatics in Washington that think they can do no wrong?
How long can these right-wing extremists play out this charade without having to be called to account? They have hijacked the country. If you're not with them, you're un-American.
I cannot believe the Democratic party can't come together long enough without splintering into a thousand pieces to field formidable candidates in 2006 and 2008.
I supported John Kerry in 2004 (he represents my state) and think the election was well within his grasp, but in the end I really have to wonder if he really, truly, wanted to win. I have asked this question to myself over and over again. It may sound crazy, but I'm not so sure he really wanted the win. he lacked fire in the belly. The relentless attacks by the SwiftBoat liars went virtually unanswered. They sunk him. Pure and simple. They sunk him. The Democratic leaders up the line let these dirtbags run roughshod over him without a good, strong response and look what happened - Bush is back in the White House and now we have a mess that will take generations to fix. I doubt Howard Dean would have taken the cheap shots that this bunch of lying bastards was dishing out.
If we are to have prayer in 2006 and 2008 we need to offer up strong candidates and stand behind them WITH A STRONG, UNIFIED FRONT. Put your egos aside for while. Maybe your favorite guy/gal isn't the best for the party this time. Look to rising stars like Paul Hackett. Get behind the straight talkers. Get off the trail of fielding past election losers - Al Gore is a good, honorable man, but he lost. Unfair as it was, he lost. The right would have a field day playing that fact up. Kucinich? sorry, he just doesn't look presidential, regardless of what he stands for. It may be grossly unfair, but it's a fact. Hillary? Too polarizing. A lightning rod if ever there was one. And there are many more with good intentions but for one reason or another would not be the best for the PARTY.
The Repubs are grooming Mitt Romney, governor of Massachussetts, and if anyone ever looks presidential, it is he. No doubt about it. Image is so important, especially after this doofus we have in the White House now, be it right or wrong. Romney could be a totally empty suit, but boy, does he cut a fine, articulate image. And image sells.
And for Christ's sake, above all, make sure the ultimate nominees are squeaky, squeaky clean. If they have any skeletons in their closet, hit the road. Leave the opposition high and dry in their persuit of of dirt, for God knows someone will dig it up.
I'm apologize for rambling so, but we simply cannot take another helping of what this administration stands for.
Flame me or whatever, but dammit I just want to get this party back in control for the sake of my children and grandchildren. They are the ones that will suffer most and pay the tab for George W. Bush's reign of error.