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Sirota, DCCC, and Zogby on NPR about the war.

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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-11-05 08:07 PM
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Sirota, DCCC, and Zogby on NPR about the war.
David has a couple of paragraphs which speak strongly. I am listening to the segment now.

"I found a few things interesting/nauseating. First, as I wrote about earlier with regard to the DCCC's attitude toward the Paul Hackett race in Ohio, the Democratic Party as an institution really seems afraid to address the Iraq War at all, which is not only sad, but, as Zogby notes, is politically stupid. Second, the right-wingers who pushed deliberate lies that justified this war in the first place are resorting to claiming that Iraq is an extension of the War on Terror, coming once again very close to claiming that Saddam Hussein's Iraq had something to do with 9/11 and al Qaeda - claims that have been repeatedly debunked.

Both positions are really pathetic. On one side, you have the Democratic Party still afraid of its own shadow on Iraq. On the other side you have conservatives so desperate to hide their lies and their disastrous Iraq policy, they are resorting to already-debunked lies. The result is that the majority of Americans who believe the Iraq War made this country less safe and want an exit strategy are being ignored by an ever-more insulated and out-of-touch political Establishment that purports to speak in our country's name."

Link to post and audio.

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joemurphy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-11-05 08:14 PM
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1. The trouble is that most of our "leaders" voted for the war.
If they have a moral epiphany they'll be branded as "flip-floppers" and not "strong leaders" like our Prez.

Go figure.
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