but then, one of my daily papers comes from Vacaville, Cindy Sheehan's home town.
Interesting, the LTTE's used to bash Cindy relentlesly. Today, they still bash her but at least a few letters supporting her are published. Read a few of the nasty ones and see what we are up against!!! Cripes!
http://www.thereporter.com/letters/ Military mom insulted by actions As a military mom, I feel I must write this letter. No one who has not lost a son or daughter can even imagine Cindy Sheehan's loss, however, that's where my empathy for her ends.
Her actions are an insult to the pride military moms and dads have for our sons and daughters serving in our all-voluntary armed forces.
In my opinion, a mother who disgraces the memory of her son or daughter in such a manner fighting a sad war within herself.
Diane Kraft, Vacaville
Servicemen, women simply cannot just walk away The mother of Casey Sheehan, Cindy of Vacaville, apparently thinks that if you join the military and then are called on to do what your country needs of you, you do not have to go if your views differ from what our government's views are and there should be no punishment.
What about World War I? The United States was not attacked. If everyone then thought like Mrs. Sheehan and had not joined in the fight and just walked off because they did not believe in war, where do you think we would be today?
I do believe our government makes mistakes, but in time of war is not the time to protest. You have to trust the government, because it has kept this country the best in the world.
It is so easy to blame just one person and that is President George W. Bush. But the fact is he cannot do anything without approval of Congress. That is way too many people to blame when you can just pick one and pass the blame to him.
Mrs. Sheehan thinks that Kevin Benderman was "brave, honorable and patriotic American" ("Reaching for peace: Vaca woman continues her anti-war campaign," Forum, The Reporter, Aug.7) He refused to go to Iraq, but should not be punished. I guess we should just let everyone join the military and train them and give them an education to better their life for the future. If they do not want to do what the government wants in return, then that is OK.
It seems like people think their freedom of speech makes them patriotic, but that is not the case. It is people like me and our ancestors who fought for that right, because not all Americans are out for a free ride.
I feel bad that Mrs. Sheehan lost a son, but she is not helping by protesting. Just ask many of we Vietnam veterans what we thought about protesters and we will say that we hated them.
No one likes war, but the fact is we are in one. We need to show the enemy we are not going to back down. Does anyone honestly think that if we pull out that there will never be another attack like that on Sept. 11, 2001? That was before we went over there and the terrorists say they are doing what they are doing now because we are in their country and will stop when we leave. Hopefully, because we went to their front door, they will have a harder time reaching each of our front doors. They would like for us to back off so they can reach our collective front door with a lot more ease.
So, I guess anyone in our military who does not want to fight or believe in what we are doing, can all go home. There will be no punishment and they will still be a hero because they joined the military and let people think they could count on them, but did nothing in return. Real Americans join the military knowing the risk and would not want someone in their family working against them just because the did not think the same way. They need everyone behind them, even if it is their son or daughter over there, because they are the ones keeping the war over there, and making our lives a lot safer in the United States.
Barry Ringler, Vacaville
Woman's 'civil disobedience' not at all helpful I write this letter after having held off for several months and out of frustration with The Reporter and with Cindy Sheehan. I cannot fathom how The Reporter continues to give so much coverage to a bitter woman who spews political rhetoric and falsely accuses the president of killing her son. I cannot accept her statements as true, nor can I understand how The Reporter allows her so much space to air her personal opinions, especially in such a military-minded town. Does she think this actually helps in the Global War on Terror?
I also have been asking myself several questions when I have read her commentaries or seen her quoted at rallies, meetings with the president or his advisers, or the staged "protests" over the war on terror. Where were Mrs. Sheehan or Gold Star Mothers for Peace before her son was killed in the service of his country? I don't seem to remember her anger over the war or her protests that help to demoralize my fellow brothers and sisters in arms before April 4.
The other question was how could she possibly blame the President George W. Bush, the Army or recruiters in anyway for causing her sons death? Last time I checked, the Army is strictly run on a volunteer basis, as are all the other branches. Also, if I remember correctly, her son re-enlisted voluntarily for a second tour of duty.
In her opinion pieces she also refers to a "brave, honorable, and patriotic American" who decided to leave his fellow troops by not returning to Iraq because of an apparently newfound "conscientious objector" mind-set ("Reaching for peace: Vaca woman continues her anti-war campaign," Forum, The Reporter, Aug. 7). I call these actions cowardice and dishonorable. He deserved the jail time that came with his violation of the Universal Code of Military Justice. He was not made a scapegoat, but rather he was held accountable for his wrong doings.
By rendering civil disobedience and having such a caustic spirit toward the leadership of this country, whether she likes that leadership or not, she is only causing more pain in her life and showing that she really doesn't value the sacrifice of those who have laid down their lives. Her son, Casey, was not the only one to have died and his passing was not in vain.
More people were killed by terrorism on Sept. 11, 2001, in a few short moments than have died since fighting the enemies of freedom began. Maybe Mrs. Sheehan and Gold Star Families for Peace should move their headquarters to some other location that would give them the room to lash out at those who fight so hard for freedom, say to Iraq or Afghanistan.
Cliff Jones, Travis Air Force Base
This is just a sampling of the letters that appear daily, and with no end in sight. Sigh!