Back in March 2003, we had the first group of American casualties of the Iraq war, 10 had died so far. I wondered at the time how many more will die in this war. The other 1836 were not yet cold statistics, but were still living and breathing, including Casey Sheehan.
Staff Sgt. Kendall Damon Watersbey of Baltimore Maryland was one of the dead. (Listed as #5 death on Reporters flocked to the fathers home and he stepped outside. I remember his angry tear stained face as he looked into the cameras, held up his sons photograph and said "George Bush, take a good look at this man, cause you took my only son away from me". have never forgotten that man, his anguish and anger.
The next day the reporters flocked to home again, but his anger had turned to silent sorrow, and there was no accusations and I always wondered if someone "got to him" because at the time the whole country was clammoring for war and didn't want any weeping fathers to ruin their good show.
Anyway, if anyone should be at Crawford with Cindy, it would be this man. This is the man I would like to see standing with her.