In less than 24 hours, a most remarkable tribute to Cindy Sheehan has begun to appear at the
Huffington Post.
The power of a true leader is evidenced in what they have written.
Going to Crawford will be fun. It will also be effective. At this point, Bush's stubborness is influencing his stupidity. He doesn't think that he, the President!, should have to speak to anyone he doesn't feel like speaking to. This is a very bad PR move for him -– at least as long as Camp Casey continues to grow.
An arrest will be a disaster for Bush. A growing crowd through the month will be a disaster for Bush. His only way out -– given his refusal to meet with Cindy -– is to hope that people get tired and go away.
Don't let Bush off the hook. Join Cindy in Crawford. You'll love her and the people with her, and they will welcome you as family.
Party or Die by David Swanson
Link: my many years as a writer, I’ve interviewed hundreds of people. But talking with Cindy Sheehan this morning was unlike any conversation I’ve ever had. Even though we were talking via cell phone -- and had a crummy, staticky connection at that -- her authenticity and passion reached through the receiver and both touched my heart and punched me in the gut.
The time has passed when we can stand around waiting for a knight on a white horse to ride to our rescue. We’ve got to look to ourselves -- to the leader in the mirror. Our elected officials have woefully failed to provide the leadership needed on this most vital issue of our time. And stepping into that void is Cindy Sheehan. Inspiring us. Touching our conscience. Calling forth our courage and our commitment. Focusing our outrage. And acting as a catalyst for the tens of millions of Americans who know that the war in Iraq is a disgrace.
Cindy Sheehan Steps Into the Leadership Void by Arianna Huffington
Link:'s he afraid Mom might say to him when he's not being carefully coached through a scripted, hush-hush meet 'n' greet with the parents of this country's fallen cannon fodder? What might happen if he's forced to look into Mom's eyes with his own beady peepers and see the unvarnished truth about this war and what America has become? There isn't a vacation long enough, a spin-zone warped enough, or a red state backroad twisted enough to keep Cindy Sheehan's story at bay, because thanks to W and friends, hers is the real American story.
Moms Like Cindy Sheehan by Sarah Jones
Link: to the embarrassment of both Republican and Democratic establishments, she takes that office more seriously than they—the silent “leaders”—do theirs. When the last Marine leaves Iraq, dead or alive, she can claim more credit than them all. Because of the courage of one brave woman, she quite possible will have had more to do with finally bringing this great nation back to its senses... and to its principles.
Remember her name. It is Cindy Sheehan.
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness by Gary Hart
Link: only we had a leader. If only he had a heart. The wounds that have killed, maimed and injured thousands of American soldiers in Iraq have been ripped open again deep in a heartless part of Texas. We grieve with Cindy Sheehan. We grieve over all the fallen heroes. As a medical doctor, I know that the process of grieving must reach closure. I can only hope that someone in this Administration comes to their senses and welcomes Cindy Sheehan in with open arms.
An Open Wound by Rep. Jim McDermott
Link:'s War in Iraq, like the emperor's new clothes, is a naked fraud. If we didn't know that before, we certainly learned it on May 1, when the Sunday Times of London published the Downing Street Minutes. And each day's death toll is a fresh reminder of the fraud.
Nevertheless, Bush's courtiers insist that the War in Iraq is a "noble cause," and so Bush keeps pretending that it is.
Cindy Sheehan refuses to pretend. She demands to know "what noble cause?"
And her simple question exposes Bush as the utterly naked Emperor that he is.
Cindy Exposes the Emperor's New Clothes by Bob Fertik
Link: deserves her time with the President. She has earned it by her courage and determination. She is the voice for too many mothers who are voiceless. For too many sons never to come home. Americans gave the President our trust to wage war -- with consequences that leave many of us now questioning: why? Cindy paid a Mom's ultimate price. She deserves to be able to complete her mission, and ask her Commander in Chief, What is the plan to bring all of the other Mom's sons -- their Caseys -- home safely?
Cindy Deserves Her Time with the President by Andy Stern
Link: American mother loses her son in a war, travels to Crawford, Texas to park herself in proximity to her President and dead son’s Commander In Chief, seeking the opportunity to meet with him and share her feelings. What is the worst that can happen to him? He has the Secret Service and the FBI and local cops up the wazoo to be certain she’s “clean.” And if she came at him with no weapon, woman-a-mano, the man’s been tilling the soil, sawing logs, working out -- what’s one undernourished, grieving mother going to do to him?
An American Mother Loses Her Son by Norman Lear
Link:'s see how loud we can make our protests -- if she can do it, why can't we all? We must all make our voices heard. She is a heroic inspiration to the silent majority and one big, jagged, terrifying thorn in Bush's side.
I wonder if Laura Bush would be camped out next to her if one of her daughters was killed in Iraq. At least I think she might be able to walk down her driveway and talk to Cindy. As a fellow mother, I hope she wouldn't be afraid-- I hope she'd understand.
Cindy Sheehan Is My Hero by Christine Lahti
Link: outside in Crawford, Texas, Cindy Sheehan (as well as the other mothers who have joined her), has become part of a venerable American tradition of quixotic protestors who may well make a difference. That's so, in part, because the symbolism of her action is so resonant. Sheehan's protest points an arrow at the key, disturbing fact that the policy makers who have launched this war are personally insulated from its horrors and its consequences.
Cindy Sheehan, American Patriot by Alex Keyssar
Jason Reed, ReutersCindy Sheehan – in case you’ve been living in a box or you only watch the mainstream media – is the mom of slain Iraq War veteran Casey Sheehan. She is protesting in front of George Bush’s Crawford ranch this month. This grieving mom has been characterized as a flip-flopper, accused of putting on a public circus, lambasted as a publicity seeking grandstander and criticized for not truly speaking for her family since an aunt and a godmother Matt Drudge found somewhere in the Sheehan family disagrees with her. The conservative attack machine is in high gear in the efforts to tear this woman down.
What Fox News Channel Would Have Done to Rosa Parks by Cenk Uygur
Link:'s brave comments proved to the nation that all those rumors about the president's tangelo-sized cajones are true. So, so true. Has Halliburton engineered a special nut-sling made from the same material as the belly of space shuttle? Were I him, I wouldn't want Barney mistaking those boys for an armadilla'. Thanks for protecting the president's goodies, Halliburton.
It's staggering, the pluck and courage of this president. Look how geographically close he came to Cindy Sheehan today. The president risked his own safety by coming within -- what? Couple miles? That's my "Struggle President"! Risking his own safety to speak to dangerous people like Cindy Sheehan exemplifies the sort of fortitude -- the sort of raw grit that makes us all proud to be Americans.
How Does He Manage Those Giant B**ls? by Bob Cesca
Link: remember everyone.
One person made this happen.
Imagine what happens when 100s, 1000s, ...., decide to be 'the person to make it happen.'
Bye, bye georgie boy, neoconsters and significant others (aka Halliburton, Raytheon, Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia, ....