From the Swift-Boaters to the DSMs to Rove to Sheehan, it's all about one thing: Republican corruption. Oil prices are just one of the ways in which Republicans are impoverishing America. The Iraq war is another: it is just an excuse to transfer money from our paychecks to the bank accounts of Bush and Cheney's friends, e.g., Halliburton. Cindy Sheehan's first question places the spotlight on the corruption. What "noble cause" did Casey Sheehan die for? There is no "noble cause." There never was. The before-all and end-all to this war and everything else the Bush administration does is greed, greed, greed.
To get that message out to the American people, we have to tell stories that are compelling, stories so compelling that they jar the corporate media to retell them. Some Americans will get the message when they read the DSMs. To some, the whole thing will click when they ask themselves why Rove would have outed Plame? For many, many, it's going to be Cindy's heartwrenching story.
Once one of these stories triggers suspicion of the Bush administration in the brains of Americans, they will begin to think about gas prices, unemployment, housing costs, outsourcing and all the other manifestations of Republican corruption that are impoverishing our nation. It's all one story. We are all on the same side. We are all getting the truth out there.
Don't worry, the gas prices are not being ignored. Sooner or later, the real story behind the gas prices will emerge, not as a theory spun by some "left-winger" out there, but as a fact, a memo, a phone conversation, some evidence that reveals the collusion and manipulation behind the gas prices and the refusal of our government to give us a rational energy policy. Look for evidence, look for facts, look for stories. Theories, however, reasonable, do not change peoples' hearts and minds. Pictures, stories, emotions, those are the things that stir peoples' imaginations and move them to change and action.