FYI: I received this in an email. Some of you may have also received it. I'm not a particularly religious person but I happen to like what it had to say so I'm passing it on. Don't read into it anything more than that.
God here.
I know you're all busy over there trying to deal with everything you have to deal with; I know how you feel, I have a lot to deal with myself. Of course I've been doing it a lot longer than you have, and there's no such thing as "retirement" for me. But that's OK, because you know, you're you and I'm me, and we each have to handle our own situations in our own way. That's how it should be.
With everything that's been going on lately, I thought I'd drop a note to let you know how I feel. But you have to understand, it's a little difficult for me to do that because...well I don't mean to be rude or anything, but hey I know a lot more about how the whole thing works than you do. Imagine you trying to explain to an ant how to build an airplane. It's not that ants are stupid or anything: they're pretty clever for having such tiny little brains, but it's just beyond their comprehension, you know? That's how it is for me, talking to you.
I'm not trying to sound harsh. Considering how young you are you've made some amazing accomplishments. That whole going to the Moon thing, I mean, wow, that was impressive. But all the technology, that's only part of it. You've done a great job in making better lives for yourselves in that sense, but if you want to know the truth you haven't really changed that much since you started this whole thing you call "civilization". You're still spending most of your time fighting with each other over things like land and food and, well, me. Back in the early days, it wasn't such a big problem because there weren't that many of you and you weren't having that big of an impact on the planet. Heck, for the most part you didn't even realize you were on a planet. But things are different now. There's a lot more of you out there, and the planet's not getting any bigger, if you get my drift. Trust me, it isn't easy to get the environment just right to support life, and it doesn't take a lot to foul it up.
And if the population thing wasn't bad enough, you've started to get a grasp on how things work: Nuclear power, genetics, that's some pretty heady and dangerous stuff you're dealing with there. I'm not saying you have to give it up, but you really need to realize just what it is you're dealing with. I could use an analogy to make my point like I usually do, but I think you understand.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that while I love you and care about you, I think it's time you started to grow up. Stop worrying so much about what I think and start focusing on more immediate problems. There's a lot of things I can't tell you about the nature of creation because frankly you're not ready for it yet, but I'll tell you this: you're not going to get any closer to me by killing people who don't agree with you about who and what I am. Take a step back and be honest with yourself about what you're doing and why. Don't feel you have to impress me to win my favor, you already have my favor, yes even if you've done some evil things. I'll always love you even when I'm mad at you.
Remember, I'm not going anywhere, and I'm still keeping an eye out for you. But let's make it clear, I'm not taking sides. The problems you have are of your own creation, not mine. It's up to you to deal with them as best you can. I'll give you all the emotional support you want, but if I go down there and start throwing my weight around you're not going to learn anything, and learning is a part of growing.