snip: from Bush tends to give his political adversaries the benefit of the doubt. This month a California woman named Cindy Sheehan traveled to Crawford, Texas and camped near President Bush's ranch demanding a meeting with him.
The anti-Bush media loves it, especially with Congress in recess and hard news less plentiful than usual.
Casey Sheehan, Cindy Sheehan's son, is an authentic American hero. He volunteered for military services and was killed by the enemy in Iraq soon after he arrived there.
God bless Casey Sheehan.
Cindy Sheehan did not approve of her son's career choice and sacrifice
It never ceases to amaze me how when anything or anyone challenges their shallow world view they spew a technicolor plume of vomit and hate. The POTUS has a responsibility to the American people, and this maverick approach disregards any opinon except that of his neocon allies.