Oh Yeh!!
http://www.blackcommentator.com/radio_bc/081205/081205_radio_bc_text.html"Black Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney is a truth-teller. Her reputation for honesty and accuracy has been confirmed many times over since she sounded the alarm about the lies of the Bush regime regarding the events of 9/11. But Congresswoman McKinney can’t get a word in edgewise with her hometown newspaper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The paper pretended to cover a day-long congressional briefing on 9/11, back in July, and came away describing the proceedings as consisting of “conspiracy theories.” This, despite the fact that witnesses included 9/11 family members, former intelligence and government workers, whistleblowers and academic experts. Nobody at the briefing charged that the Bush people knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance. Neither has Congresswoman McKinney. But the Atlanta Journal-Constitution made it seem like they did. This is not journalism. It is slander. And lies. The point made by the men and women at the briefing was that government officials and agencies failed to heed clear warnings that an attack on U.S. targets was imminent. Rather than report the congressional briefing like professionals, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution held the participants up to ridicule.
Harry Belafonte, the great singer and activist, has been harshly criticized for comparing George Bush to Hitler. I’m going to take it even further. The U.S. corporate media is more dangerous than the Nazi propaganda machine, which was state owned. The German people knew that the German government managed the news. They could take it or leave it. But the U.S. corporate media is pervasive, it is everywhere, with hundreds of channels of propaganda, virtually all of them repeating the same government lies, while claiming to be independent of the government. The corporate media are engaged in a monstrous scam. They are the megaphones of war, just as guilty as the warmongers in Washington. If there are ever war crimes trials in the future, the corporate media should also be under the harshest indictment. And I say that, as a former White House, State Department, and Capitol Hill Correspondent. For Radio BC, I’m Glen Ford."