Her response to this article trashing Cindy Sheehan:
http://lonestartimes.com/index.php?p=1339Mr. Owen Courrèges:
Are you just plain STUPID, or just plain mean, I suggest you are both.
You say...
"She has said that America would be a “fascist state” under Bush’s watch if not for the internet, and says that the mainsteam media is merely a propaganda arm of the GOP".
WEll duh!! Naw, I am sure Bill O'Reilly is both Fair and Balanced. My God...Rush Limbaugh, and Matt Drudge! Oh geeze if this is the best you people can do, get a gun with one bullet and use it.
You make me laugh with your ignorance, you hayseed hicks down in Texas, you should be ashamed. Not only are you people without compassion you are willingly uninformed. It is hard to think that you could be this stupid by nature. I will give you the benefit of the doubt, you have chosen to be ignorant, but that is even worse.
You say...
"it isn’t as if Sheehan reached some grand revelation on the war since that point".
Well there was mention of WMD's as a reason for us going into this war, maybe you haven't read the newspapers or watched the TV lately...HUGE BULLETIN.... There were NO weapons of mass destruction, except for the ones we are leaving all over the place, can you say....DEPLETED URANIUM!
And since you seem to be illiterate you probably did not read the news about the "Downing Street Memo" that said they were "FIXING THE INTELLIGENCE AROUND THE POLICY" that policy being the reason to go into Iraq in the first place, can you say....TREASON!!
So before you want to start throwing stones at this mother that is mad as hell at the man who knowingly and purposely murdered her son, READ THE NEWS, but then you must read mainstream media news the one that "is merely a propoganda arm of the GOP". Get a clue that is why you are just "a brainwashed fanatic". "In either case, you are not a good person".
You say...
"I have no sympathy whatsoever for her when she so painstakingly dishonors her son’s memory while associating with these heartless degenerates".
If Casey Sheehan were alive today and saw what you are saying and trying to do to his mother he would bitch slap you into the next county. It is you that dishonors this man you call a hero, and he is indeed a hero. But how would you know what a hero is, your heroes dishonor the mothers of heroes.
Can you say....IGNORANT ASS!
I corrected your spelling by the way, Can you say...EDUCATION!!
"Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it's the only thing that ever has.".....Margaret Mead
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Go Cindy Sheehan
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"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall - think of it, always."..... Gandhi