Now I understand. I see the progress in Iraq that Bush is talking about. I see his optimism.
You see - Bush has already won. Sorry to point that out to you - but it is almost too late. As soon as the Iraqi constitution is finished - George will proclaim victory - and for his agenda, he won.
The corporatists have all the legal points tied up thanks to Paul Bremer. The only thing left is the Iraqi constitution - and a nations robbery is complete.
please read the article - link below:,,1072-1731547,00.htmlYour sons and daughters died so a variety of transnational corporations could gain a foothold in Iraq. Well, not just a foothold.....the whole economy of a nation to be more precise. Ah yes, Bush will talk about democracy and freedom. But if the Iraqi people cannot even keep their own seeds to grow - then what freedom is that?
I am heartsick that young people died so corporations could improve thier bottom line. Bush will withdraw troops - and you will cheer. He will begin to draw them down just as soon as the constitution is done. But, he has already won. And he will never be accountable to the fact that he waged a war under false pretenses, against international treaties and laws. Not unless you and I raise the decibel level and demand impeachment. Even then - his corporate buddies will be firmly entrenched in Iraq's affairs. Perhaps they feel the risks are worth it.
Well, I know Cindy Sheehan feels the cost was too high. And I am pretty sure if Bush stated he wanted to invade Iraq so he could privatize all their state companies, exploit their resources and transform their economy - I am pretty sure you would not agree. That is why he used the turrible WMD and terrorists claims. That is why he doesn't care that there were no WMD. That is why he doesn't care that one or more of his administration outed a CIA agent.