Edited on Sat Aug-13-05 01:02 PM by Democrats_win
Bush is so proud yet he and his supporters ignore the fact that he looked the American people in the eye and said we need to go to war with Iraq to protect America. But this was a lie, and people told him it was a lie moments after he stated it. He was forced to admit that 9/11 had nothing to do with Iraq. People pointed out that Saddam's brother-in-law said that he had no WMD's.
He and his cronies' comments about aluminum tubes were quickly proven false. Some of Powell's presentation to the UN to persuade them to accept the war was taken from a graduate student's paper. And the student hadn't even gone to Iraq to research it!
The worst lie, that Saddam was trying to purchase yellowcake from Niger, was a known lie to Bush because Joe Wilson told him it wasn't true. But Bush made the charge anyway. Then when Wilson wrote an editorial saying it wasn't true, the Bush machine quickly throttled Wilson with an attack on his wife who was serving America as an undercover spy.
In yet another lie, Bush promised that those responsible for outing Wilson's wife would be punished. We now know that Karl Rove was one of those involved yet he sits as a trophy, like Saddam's pistol on Bush's shelf. Might all of this be a symbol to the American people that Bush is our Emperor?
Finally, someone who lost her son in Bush's war has stepped forward and asked what did her son really die for. Now the Bush machine is running again to discredit her because they know she's asking the right question. Cindy stands over Bush like the statue of Liberty while Bush cowers below in the fetal position afraid, and unable to grasp the truth, because its not in him.