To put it in context it was a reply to a letter a woman had had printed. It was an open letter to George Bush.She had become convinced that the Iraq war was now a mistake. She also emphasized that she was a Bush supporter who had voted for him twice and felt that he was getting bad advice from his advisors and was basically getting duped.She also has a fourteen year old (no gender specified) that she was worried about winding up having to fight in Iraq.
So anyway, here's my response as it appeared in the paper:
Ms. Dwyer,I read your letter and am in complete agreement with you about the need for this war in Iraq to end.
I did not vote for President Bush in 2000 or 2004. In 2000, I simply felt that a man of such small accomplishments and meager talent had no business being president, but I wished him well.
By November of 2004 we had been waging war in Iraq for one and a half years. It was obvious that the reasons for war that were given were, in effect, lies.Frankly, anyone who was opposed to this war should have voted against the man who started it.
The venerable Helen Thomas, who has covered the White House for over forty years,has said of George Bush that she had never before seen a president who was actually eager to go to war.
This man is in full accord with his advisors, who are supporting this war and possibly planning others as well. I doubt any entreaties to him to cease this slaughter will have any effect.
These next three and a half years will be trying. May God bless our country and keep your 14 year old from going to war.
And may God have mercy on the next country this administration deceives the American public into attacking.
Signed, Denton,Texas
What surprised me was that this letter was written over a month ago as a response to another letter.