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An analogy to the Sheehan counterprotestors

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bluestateguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-14-05 04:16 AM
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An analogy to the Sheehan counterprotestors
This is the analogy to what the Freepers/Dittoheads/ProtestWarriors are doing in Crawford with their astroturfed, establishmentarian "protests", taunting a grieving mother who simply wants 15 minutes with her son's Commander in Chief.

Imagine this scenario:

A pro-war mother loses her son in Iraq. She remains pro-war because she believes that continuing the war is the best way to honor her son's memory. She still believes that Saddam has WMD's and that he was somehow involved in 9/11. She was enthusiastically for Bush last year and still is today.

So let's say she appears at a local county fair along with the local chapter of the Gold Star Mothers and they set up a booth or something like that.

Now, a small contingent of anti-war demonstrators appears at the fair. They come up to the pro-war woman who lost her son and start taunting her, sticking their fingers in her face:

"Nanna, nanna, nanna!!! Chickens come home to roost! You learned your lesson! Your son's blood is on your hands! You got what you deserved!"

Uh, what do YOU think the reaction of the right wing commentariat would be to this despicable behavior?

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WCGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-14-05 04:18 AM
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1. What do you think the normal press would be doing with this
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Montauk6 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-14-05 04:44 AM
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2. NO DOUBT! But another thought occurred to me...
One of the other lines the neomoonies are using is, "HEY! IF THEY'RE MISERABLE OVER THERE, THEY SHOULDNA VOLUNTEERED!"

So, it's like they're taunting the soldiers for they're sense of duty. When you couple that with Fast Freddie Phelps' recent born-again hatred of American GI's; it wouldn't surprise if the poor soldiers come home to a bunch of wingers spitting in their faces.
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bluestateguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-14-05 01:45 PM
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3. kick
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