in vain 1 : to no end : without success or result 2 : in an irreverent or blasphemous manner <you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain -- Deut 5:11 (Revised Standard Version)> synonyms VAIN, NUGATORY, OTIOSE, IDLE, EMPTY, HOLLOW mean being without worth or significance. VAIN implies either absolute or relative absence of value <vain promises>. NUGATORY suggests triviality or insignificance <a monarch with nugatory powers>. OTIOSE suggests that something serves no purpose and is either an encumbrance or a superfluity <a film without a single otiose scene>. IDLE suggests being incapable of worthwhile use or effect <idle speculations>. EMPTY and HOLLOW suggest a deceiving lack of real substance or soundness or genuineness <an empty attempt at reconciliation> <a hollow victory>.
--------as in 'they died in vain'