There is another video clip up at Crooks and Liars. The transcript is in pdf format. I took the liberty of snipping the part where Schieffer demands that Dean and the Democrats come up with a plan, and HD reminds him that the president is the commander in chief. Note that Dean is now admitting we need to start planning to get out, but he puts the burden on Bush....refuses to let Schieffer force a plan from them.
It was misinterpreted by many here as "the dems won't make a plan", but he is correcting Schieffer. I will post more snippets as I know some do not read pdf files.
Transcript of Face the Nation with Howard DeanSCHIEFFER: Well, I'll go back and ask you about that in a minute, but I know the president
said, and I think it was just this week, giving a timetable for leaving Iraq would be the worst
thing we could do because it would just tell the people who oppose us there, `Look, all we have to do is hang in till they leave, and then we're OK.'
Dr. DEAN: We need to leave. We're not going to be there forever, I hope. We're not going to be there forever. So the question is: What is a reasonable way to get out? And that's--we have no answers from the president on that at all. He keeps saying--well, his administration appears to be divided. Some of the generals have said, `Well, we can withdraw some of the troops, perhaps as many as 30,000, after the elections.' We have others saying, `Well, we're not going to leave.' These people do not know what they're doing. They didn't know what they were doing when we got in, they had no plan then. They have no plan now. They do not know what they're doing.
SCHIEFFER: Why do you suppose it is, though, Governor, that while people are losing confidence in the president's handling of the war that--and every poll suggests that--why do you suppose that people are not buying what Democrats are saying? They don't seem to be taking too much to the Democrats on that.
Dr. DEAN: I think they are buying what Democrats are saying. I think people believe that we need a plan to get our troops to come home. I think that people do understand now...
SCHIEFFER: But if may say so...
Dr. DEAN: Sure.
SCHIEFFER: ...I mean, saying we need a plan. I mean, sure, you need a plan, but do you
have a plan? Is anybody working on a plan? What would you propose?
Dr. DEAN: Well, Bob, the president of the United States is commander in chief. It is up to him to come up for a plan. You can't expect a congressman and senators who don't have the
same access to intelligence as the president does to come up with a plan to withdraw our troops from Iraq. We look--the president got us into Iraq 'cause people were willing to trust the president, even some Democrats were willing to trust the president in assuming he knew what he was doing. The problem is now that there's ample evidence to say that they didn't understand what they were getting into and they still don't know what we're doing there.
They changed their goals. The troops are still not properly equipped. The constitution looks
like it may take away freedom from the Iraq people, at least half of them, instead of added to
them. What we need is a plan from the president of the United States. You can't expect a
particular senator or particular congressman to have a plan. Only the president can do that."
Basically this is the same approach they took about the Social Security privatization....putting the burden back on Bush.