is a link to a petition asking the president to meet with Cindy. I found these comments on this petition:
cindy,your son should not have died in iraq,he should have been in the twin towers on sept 11, then you would be with pres bush. i think it is a disgrace that you use your dead son to gain publicity for your are the lowest form of scum there is, and im pretty sure your son does to. he wanted to join the armed forces for this reason to defend a country even if it had scum bags like you in it.
Partha Ray Mission TX
You bleeding hearts are so, so DUMB! He already met with Cindy. Now Cindy has been brainwashed to believe that he should meet with her again. Why? Look at the exploitation of this now angry woman. War for Oil? Bush lied? No WMDs? Peace and love? This is all bumper sticker soundbyte rhetoric. There are NO good arguments being presented here. And by the way, 90% of your precious liberal congressman voted to authorize this war, so they are liars and "murderers" too. Thirty years from now, President Bush will be revered, like Reagan, FDR and Lincoln as one of the great wartime presidents, and all of you will still look like bitter morons.
Elyse Stefanishin NYC NY
And this is from a guy who lives in Thomas Frank's hometown. I am including it to show that not everyone from KS is an idiot:
As a WWII veteran I find it hard to understand why the commander in chief will not meet with this mother. You make time for many other matters and she deserves your time as well
Kevan Gibbs Mission Hills KS