Once military force is used, the threat of force no longer has the same effect. Therefore, the use of military force is always a failure. Remember, wars are started due to hubris, not doubt.
The fact that Iran is now thumbing its nose at the US is an indicator of the deteriorating condition of our position in Iraq. Iran now knows exactly how to 'beat' the neo-cons. The 'shock and awe' of the 1991 Gulf War is a distant memory.
They will absorb any bombing, just like Iraq did in 1991, in the knowledge that we no longer have the ability to mount ground operations against them. Bombing of Iran, by the US or, worse, Israel, will simply gain them more allies from around the Islamic, and probably wider, world resulting in a short term tactical loss but a long term strategic victory for them.
The neo-cons now know we do not have the forces, equipment or manufacturing infrastructure to take on such an undertaking. Even if the manpower were raised through a draft, where would the equipment to outfit them come from? The 'technological' advantage the US forces have requires a lot of high-cost equipment. That is why I think they are planning the 'air-strike' scenario. Bomb as much as they can, and hope that knocks their nuclear program back for a decade or more. Thing is, Iran will probably take the hit, and emerge at the end in a stronger geopolitical position.
The big question is, does Iran have the ability to close the Strait of Hormuz to shipping, through which 19% of the worlds petroleum passes daily.
http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/choke.html#HORMUZ What happen if a closure of the Strait takes place in conjunction with terrorist attacks on the overland pipeline routes to ports outside the Persian Gulf? Just one way this scenario can escalate from 'limited' air-strikes to economic, and possibly nuclear, Armageddon.
It is beginning to appear that the Iraq invasion will go down in history as a parallel to Stalin's invasion of Finland. When Hitler observed the apparent weakness of the previously unassailable Soviet military, he was emboldened to attempt Operation Barbarossa. Like Hitler, the Iranian leadership is now emboldened by what they have observed.
And all this is due to the complete incompetence of the Chimp in his pursuit of this war. If they had decided Iraq must be taken, why did they not use adequate troop levels as advised by the Joint Chiefs or follow the advise of State Department experts for post-war reconstruction? Why did they rush to set up a wild west of crony capitalism, thus alienating most of the population?
So, it now appears that the Chimp’s war has probably, at best, cost us access to the Persian Gulf oil reserves, the entire purpose of the undertaking in the first place. And look how much they are doing to wean the country off a petroleum based transportation infrastructure in the face of the now inevitable reduction in supply of this energy source.
And you think the price of gas is high now?