10 million of us reality-based people around the world stood up against this war 3 years ago and accurately predicted what would happen, and both the Wastrel President and the MSM treated us like a focus group. Today Cindy Sheehan does the same thing, saying the exact same things and asking the same exact questions, and she's in every newspaper.
How many Cindy Sheehans have been ignored and marginalized over the last 3 years? What has the majority of Americans actually learned from our latest adventure in the costs of imperialism?
Sadly, the people who are coming late to the party are arriving for the wrong reasons. Don't get me wrong, it's a positive thing in the short term that more people are finally opposing this war, but the fact is that most people who weren't in the focus group are opposing it because we are losing the war, not because the war was wrong to begin with. Had FratBoyCo brought the draft back and put 400,000 troops in Iraq, it still wouldn't have justified the long-term costs of killing innocent people, inciting Middle-East hatred for the West, and breeding legions of terrorists that our great-grandchildren will still be fighting and dying at the hands of.
This is the same delusional syndrome that Americans indulged in with the Vietnam War. Kerry saw the writing on the wall (when it was written in neon) back in 1968, and now he's a politician who has all but forgotten what he had learned when he was a soldier. People of that generation should not have been fooled again, but were anyway, and they still aren't asking themselves why they let it happen again.
This war may end, but not because of lessons learned, but in the interest of evading collective responsibility. If that happens, then our next Frat Boy Neroes won't be as inept as the current bunch, and then this country will be in serious sh*t.
Sorry to sound so negative, but it just shouldn't have taken 70% of Americans nearly six years and a bodycount for the majority of Americans to start questioning the "leadership" of the Frat Boy. Us reality-based focus groupers know that there a plenty more in line waiting to take his place - and will, if we don't learn about this one.