unique ways. within that construct, it is true that some people experience disproportionate amounts of cruelty and disrespect. But there is a within and without in most people's lives and their experience of kindness/respect may be different in each sector. For example, a vibrant youth from an abusive home may experience kindness without (outside his family) and cruelty within.... or the example you gave, that person may have immigrated with extended family and experience culturally typical levels of kindness, love, and respect within his family life. Another example of people who may get mixed responses in public are people with mental or physical disabilities that make them appear very different from others. Despite the cruelty inherent in the above situations, that these situations exist does not negate my main point which is that most people respond with respect/kindness to people in a variety of settings.
I know this sounds pollyanna, but I am speaking from my perspective, what I have observed about people, and years of reading about human culture, adventure, and animal behavior. I believe that when most people have an opportunity to behave in a way perceived as kind, they like to take it.
an experience that reinforced my opinion was a workshop given by Marshall Rosenberg on "Non Violent Communication". He asked the audience to remember something that had given them pleasure or made them feel good in the last 24 hours. Then he asked those for whom that memory involved doing something nice for someone else....most of the people in the room raised their hands! Mr. Rosenberg has established schools based on his beliefs in Palestine, Northern Ireland, Kosovo, and other areas where the children grow up embroiled in conflicts of longstanding duration.
Communication is a key advantage that has served humans well in surviving many environments. So how does the ability to talk separate us out from other species??? We have, ostensibly, the ability to work out cooperative ways to sustain life for a group/tribe and the abilty to resolve conflict among people.
I really think that if regular people had a role in negotiating conflicts, they would find it hard to justify the cruelty of killing. Regular people being those who don't rise to the top in a sociopathic, narcissistic winner take all world.