Rove still hasn't been fired, and other stories have put him on the back burner. Judith Miller is still in jail, still not talking. "Fuck the UN" Bolton is now the US ambassador to the UN, given a perfectly legal but ethically repugnant recess appointment by the Chimp. John Roberts is still a Supreme Court nominee; questions about the adoption of his 2 blond kids from Latin America, his pro-bono work for gays, and his defense of "pro-life" protestors at women's clinics notwithstanding. Near as I can figure, both the extreme right and extreme left hate Roberts because he's so, ummm.. ambiguous. Vague? Wishy-washy? Secretive? I don;t know. Rhenquist is still alive.
Freeper-types are blasting the 9/11 Commission for allegedly discounting the ONE intelligence report that MAY HAVE mentioned hijacker pilot Mohammad Atta a year before the AQ jet attacks. At least that was what a US intelligence type told the Commission. He didn't have any proof; just said he saw the report, dontcha know... Rightie critics say the fact that this "fact" wasn't in the final "9/11" report is proof of an anti-Bush, pro-Clinton coverup, conveniently forgetting that the 9/11 Commission was bipartisan and formed under a GOP President and GOP Congress.
Cindy Sheehan, bless her heart, remains camped outside Chimp's pig ranch in Crawford, Texas, demanding that the Chimp explain, if not justify her soldier son's death in Iraq. Read all about it at DU.
I know I've missed stuff, but what the heck...