Rep. Conyers' home page - - had not been updated since the Downing Street Minutes Congressional hearings and related house parties. That is, not until today.
Today, the home page is dedicated to "...Cindy Sheehan, whose 24-year-old son Casey was killed last year in Sadr City, Iraq. Cindy participated in my hearing in the basement of the Capitol on June 16th and has been a leader for Gold Star Families for Peace...." He goes on to invite all to "make use of my action center", with summaries of actions we all can take in support of Cindy:
Write to your local media and Crawford-area Papers Write an email to both your local media outlets and to the Crawford, Texas newspaper. To write one message that goes to all outlets,
click here.Are you a parent of a soldier in Iraq?To lend a few words of encouragement to Cindy and those others who are braving the summer heat in Crawford,
click here. (If link does not work, try this -{F609F2F0-CF58-49B8-88A5-C0E90CC04AB4} )
Road Trip?Do you know any other parents or relatives of a soldier in Iraq that have questions for Bush? Barbara Cummings of San Diego, who hosted one of our DSM house parties, is headed to Crawford to support Cindy.
<8/14 - Barbara was featured in a Washington Post article>
Sign the * petition38 Members of Congress and I wrote to the President to let Bush know that a real leader would step outside his house to comfort a grieving mother. To read or sign the letter,
click here.(If link does not work, try this -{CB8149B2-F4D6-49E0-A6D0-1A125BE1783E} )
Give to Gold Star Families for PeaceI have donated to Cindy’s organization. If you are able,
please join me in helping to ensure that Cindy is able to continue her vigil outside Bush’s ranch in the hot, August sun.
God bless John Conyers. God bless Cindy Sheehan.
Take a minute to forward this page, or a link to, to friends and neighbors, spreading news of the work being done by these twp patriots.