REPUG logic: Even though Bush is corrupt, it'll be just like 72
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Mon Sep-29-03 08:53 PM
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REPUG logic: Even though Bush is corrupt, it'll be just like 72 |
I heard that tonight from a typical Repug. He said that this will be another McGovern election where Bush (Nixon) runs against an inept Dem and wins by default. He says corruption doesn't matter.
I reminded him that Watergate happened AFTER Nixon was re-elected. He sat there dumbfounded.
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Mon Sep-29-03 08:54 PM
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1. "He sat there dumbfounded"??? |
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Mon Sep-29-03 08:58 PM
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2. He didn't say anything |
He was basically arguing that Nixon got reelected DESPITE of Watergate. I corrected him and he didn't know what to say. BTW, he's freaked by this Wilson thing, and Iraq, and the economy.
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Mon Sep-29-03 08:59 PM
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3. "He didn't say anything"???? |
You better bring him in to the factory for some repairs. Something must be broke because they never shut up.
The Magistrate
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Mon Sep-29-03 09:54 PM
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5. Thank You For The Laugh, Mr. Sangha |
Perhaps it is a flaw in the model, and they may all be on the verge of such a malfunction....
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Mon Sep-29-03 09:01 PM
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4. Sad but I think your friend may be right, and that you maybe |
right. That is if many in our party had their way and NO I am not talking about Dean supporters or Clark supporters, but a certain indivdual(not Nader). Dems lose in 72 and that Bush resigns two years later. Then they let who ever the 08 Dem is... have it.. and another failed Carter like presidency coming after a unpopular war and a greatly damaged American psy.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:06 AM
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