Edited on Tue Sep-30-03 08:26 AM by DrBB
You're leaving out one source on this story: whoever the "high official" was who was quoted about l'affaire Plame in last week's WPost. There seems to be someone highly placed enough to know the details and who has risked career (and more, if some tinfoil hat theories are correct) to further the story.
Not that I think this person is any great hero, mind you--whoever it is, they are withholding evidence of a felony--misprision, a felony in itself.
But there is SOME insider, a pretty DEEP insider by all indications, who doesn't want this story to just fade away. He/she may say more if it starts to die. More to the point, it changes the dynamic among the circle of those who know and are facing an investigation. Put yourself in such a person's place. A cover-up on something this serious is itself a serious crime--jail time, loss of reputation, career, everything. Now, you know someone else has already spilled to the press. Is that person going to hang tough through a cover-up? The first person to turn gets immunity; everyone else gets trashed. If it starts heating up, you've got to be thinking, "Better to turn now before someone else does." True for the source him/herself, too. Having gone to such lengths already and then have someone else get the protection would not be an "optimal outcome" for this person.
There is something really weird going on right now--can't figure out which of the Bush-league machiavels could be playing this game, nor to what end. I have a really dark speculation, though. I've been seeing signs of a Roveian plot to make Cheney the fall-guy for Iraq. Some kind of push away from Cheney-as-bad-guy in order to reposition the Flying Chimp in the center for the election. I think they deliberately let the old snarling bastid go way out on a limb about Saddam, 9/11 and all, just as they were getting ready to shift the message to "No connection! We're honest, see?" Somehow Dick didn't get the memo before going out on the Sunday talks. Perhaps even got quite a deliberately different one. I'm not being paranoid here: these guys do NOT go out on the Sunday shows without coordinating their message ahead of time. That is just not a mistake that happens. Communications/PR/Spin are ALL to this admin, mainly b/c of Rove.
So I could quite easily imagine Cheney sending a little message back to the Chimp's bosom adviser, via a careful leak to the WPost. As in, Cheney to Rove: "I know what you did last summer."
I don't have any idea if it's true or not, but I think this is how they play the game.
If that's true, then the message has been sent, and that's the last we'll hear of it, as long as those rumors that maybe it's time for the elderly coronary-case snarler to think about spending more time with his family also fade away.
edit: dropped a clause