Cindy Sheehan's questions for Bush suggest a potentially interesting activist project . . .
when asked what she would ask Bush if he agreed to meet with her, Cindy said (paraphrasing) that she would ask him what the "noble cause" we were fighting for was -- and if he has encouraged his own daughters to enlist to fight for this cause . . . that suggests an potentially interesting and revealing activist project for DU . . .
suppose we researched -- on the web -- all 435 Members of Congress and all 100 senators to find out which had children of prime military age -- say ages 17 through 28 or so . . . with this information, we could then have a constituent of each contact their respective/senator and ask the questions:
"Congressman/Senator, since you support the war in Iraq, have you encouraged your son/daughter(s), name(s), to enlist in the armed forces and fight in the war? If not, why not?" . . .
then we could publicize all of their answers (or non-responses) here and elsewhere . . .