From Flogging the Simiam, by Soj: just one moment in time, I am going to promote you to ruler of the planet Earth. You have exactly 5 minutes to make a decision that will be held binding afterwards.
The question before you is, which country or countries will you award the right to develop and keep nuclear weapon capabilities?
Nation A - A dictatorship run by a military general who came to power in a coup and refuses to hold elections. Nation A has long supported and financed terrorist organizations, including ones which have killed thousands of Americans and other westerners throughout the world. Nation A also has strategic and military alliances with other dictatorships which help it build, among other things, ballistic and cruise missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads. Nation A has fought 3 full-scale conventional wars in the last 50 years. Nation A has never signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which prevents signatory nations from distributing the knowledge and capability to build nuclear weapons to other countries. Nation A has in fact already helped other nations develop nuclear weapons capabilitiy and refuses to apologize for it, pardoning those involved and calling them national heroes.
Nation B - A well-established democracy. Nation B also has strategic and military alliances with other dictatorships which help it build, among other things, ballistic and cruise missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads. Nation B has fought 3 full-scale conventional wars and participated in dozens of "military interventions" in the last 50 years. Nation B has never signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which prevents signatory nations from distributing the knowledge and capability to build nuclear weapons to other countries; or
Nation C - A semi-established democracy. Nation C has been involved in one full-scale war in the last 50 years. Nation C has limited missile capability. Nation C has long supported and financed terrorist organizations which have killed hundreds of Americans and other westerners. Nation C has signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and has never transferred nuclear technology to other nations.
So which ones would you pick?
Well if you were the United States, Britain, Germany and France, you'd pick nations A and B above. Nation A is of course fun-lovin'
Pakistan, Nation B is
India and Nation C is