How will the NeoCons continue to spin this war of choice after an Iraqi constitution fails to materialize? How will they justify not allowing the majority to decide that they want to have a theocracy? That they want to curb women's rights and scientific research? That they choose not to have a secular government?
If the constitution is ratified, yet a civil war breaks out after we leave, what then? What is the cost-benefit analysis? It's a zero sum game as we all know, but to have it disintegrate in front of them so spectacularly surely requires a new "game plan".
What will the NeoCons say? What will their next lame talking point be?
We've already been fed two or three reasons our troops needed to go and fight in Iraq -- all have failed in logical tests and have been proven to be lies. When the last reason, democracy, falls away, what happens?
What will it take for the people still blindly following the script the BFEE and PNAC have been playing out to stand with us and with Cindy and the other families suffering because of this poorly conceived and horrendously planned grab for oil, to hold * accountable? To require Rummy and Condi and all the other automatons tell the truth and stop their evil lies?
Will it take indictments? Resignations? Impeachment proceedings? War crime tribunals? What, if anything, will do it?
There's been so little coverage in the corporate media of the failure to work out the differences between the Sunnis, Shiite's and Kurds I'm not sure people even know that any modicum of success in Iraq --as measured by the NeoCons at least -- is about to slip away.
I, for one, plan to share this news today with as many people as possible. Won't you join me? It's up to us.