The only solution left for what's left of the Old Iraq and that may still work at this late point is a quick move to begin the division of the nation of Iraq into geographic "pieces". This is not such a radical idea, for the truth is that "nation" Iraq was an invention of the British anyway...sort of like South Vietnam was an invention of the Pentagon in the early 1950's.
The Past is Prologue:
After declaring war on the Ottoman Empire in 1914, the British invaded and occupied Mesopotamia including Baghdad, Basra, Kirkuk and Mosul.
Clandestinely, the British, along with the French, in 1916 had drawn up the very imperialistic "Sykes-Picot Agreement" dividing up the old Ottoman empire. By 1919, Britain had created the current national borders that the world recognizes today as "Iraq". The following year, the "League of Nations" dutifully sanctioned and granted British control over the new nation of Iraq.
So, the unfortunate, yet popular understanding that the current borders of modern day Iraq are some sort of sacred and cultural extension of the ancient Persian Empire is simply wrong. The borders of Iraq are mere pencil marks from a British pencil less than a century ago.
Here's How to Divide Up Iraq Now and Possibly Spare A Holocaust in Civil War:
1.) Establish either an independent Shi'a Islamic Iraq which will probably meld into Iran within two years --- or fast forward the inevitable and cede the Shiite territories now to Iran. Since the Americans must always "save face" and have "peace with honor", the former is more probable, but the latter is inevitable.
2.) Establish a Sunni Iraq with Baghdad as the Sunni Capitol.
3.) Establish a new national state of Kurdistan.
4.) Cede some of the northern Iraqi territory to Turkey as a trade-off for the establishment of Kurdistan. Turkey currently has oil leases in Northern Iraq and this would be the quid pro quo and would finally deal with the business left undone after the break-up of the Ottoman Empire.
The Saudis and The Israelis Will Just Love This:
The Balkanization of the current nation we know as Iraq as I have prescribed above will have the further benefit of pleasing both the Saudis and the Israelis who would prefer having smaller, less powerful neighbors in the Region than the former, unpredictable Iraq. Imagine that: the Israelis and the Saudis nodding approvingly at the splintering of their old nemesis.
Make Certain That The New States All Have Oil Fields of Their Own:
One of the greatest sources of friction between the world's predominately Islamic Nations has been this: some have oil resources and others don't. The solution I've described above begins to address the uneven distribution of petro-wealth in the Muslim world.
Certainly, the ability of Saudi Arabia to lord its proud purse over Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians (Muslims without oil) and over the poor in Pakistan and Afghanistan (Muslims without oil) has been at the very root of so many of the world's problems. Indeed, Osama bin Laden's initial appeal in the poorer Islamic world was made possible by his Saudi petro-wealth, wasn't it?
The Nations Out of One Keep Osama Out of All:
With the Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis truly independent and having their own states; and with allowing Turkey to "get a little of the goodies" in return for good behavior, Osama bin Laden and his crowd will have to go hunting for another scab to pick for they would hardly be welcomed in either of the three new nations.
Little Time Remains For Dividing Iraq Before Civil War Begins:
Let's face it. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are now advocating exactly what they had crowed against: Cutting and Running. The arbitrary date in June of the facade of turning over the government of Iraq to the Iraqi people will be the beginning of the upcoming bloodbath between the distrustful Kurd, Sunni and Shiite camps. Why wait until thousands are thrown into the nightmare of Iraqi Civil War?
If the British could divide up the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the 20th Century for Imperialistic motives, why can't we, along with the United Nations, finally address the elephant in the living room and now divide up Iraq without bloodshed...before it divides itself up, pretty much as I have described, but only after a horrific bloodbath?