A trip down memory lane to see what the buzz was in 2K.. This from a right wing site.. Crap then...but what did our "oil-man" promis us?? Failed to deliver..like everything he's "promised"..or is that threatened
I would call his a FLIP-FLOPPER...of just a plain FLOP !!
High Gas Prices are Al Gore’s Radical Environmentalism Coming Home to Roost
Gore’s Worked to Raise Gasoline Prices to Fight "Global Warming" For Ten Years
By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources (www.originalsources.com)
http://www.bannerofliberty.com/OS6-00MQC/6-22-2000.1.htmlJune 22, 2000
There is something positively obscene about Al Gore’s attack on George W. Bush in today’s Washington Post over the skyrocketing cost of gasoline. He said, to applause at a carpenters' union hall in Des Moines, Iowa, "It's time to put our feet on the brakes of what may well be big oil's price gouging."
Prices at the pump in Iowa were about $1.75 a gallon for regular gas. In Wisconsin the prices have already shot past $2 a gallon. snip...
Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), speaking with reporters in a conference call arranged by Gore's campaign, today called on the FTC and Congress to subpoena major oil company executives to Washington for an explanation of why gas prices have climbed so high. Saying that Gore supports such a move, Harkin said:
"You won't hear George Bush saying anything remotely close to that. . . . That's where he's getting all his money – from the oil companies, his friends."
Well, if George W. Bush has friends in the oil companies, that might just be a good reason to vote for him. Perhaps he is the best qualified person to try to undo the decade of damage done to America’s ability to produce domestic oil caused by Al Gore and his support of the UN’s "sustainable development" policy that requires, in the words of Maurice Strong and Mikhail Gorbachev, co-authors of "The Earth Charter":
To comment" mmostert@originalsources.com
http://uspolitics.about.com/od/campaign2004/a/bush_promises_4.htmBush campaign promises 2000- present.. lots of oil related LIES..