the bastard from m'umbai (bombay)
Ok, so I have credit card debt service issues due to unemployment now reaching 8 months since the software industry exported all the jobs to india and china. Just an ordinary american, sitting around, having dinner, trying to find work, and the bastard from M'umbai calls. For Fleet Bank.
He calls, identifies himself as being from collections for Fleet. He asks if I am X. I agree. I am X. I hear a slight hindoo accent and immediately ask for a call back number (afterall I think Fleet has said publically that they don't export customer jobs overseas). Well the phone is in Kansas but rings through to India.
I also asked the fellow where he was, physically, and started rattling off names of Indian towns, Bakrat, Bangalore, Indore, Madras, M'umbai? Jabalpur ...and there, a slight reaction, so I stopped and went back to M'umbai? And he agreed, that yes, he was in M'umbai....so I started getting pissed.
It went from bad to worse...soon he was asking me what I had intended to do with all the stuff that I had purchased on the credit card? That I now could not 'suddenly' pay for...well suddenly is not 8 months in the US of A. I have been out of work for 8 months, I pointed out to him, and I pointed out that I had no work, likely because HE was employed. That traitorous companies were in the process of selling out the US of A and taking all the jobs overseas.
So he then asked me when I was to start my work again, and how many days there after I would make a payment to his card company. I then pointed out that I had no prospect of work as the industry that I had been in, software for telcos which allows firms like his in m'umbai to pretend they are in kansas, had been exported to India and China. So I replied that I did not know when I would get a job as software was not coming back to America as an industry. Then the bastard from m'umbai turned ugly. He insisted that I could move to other countries for work. Like INDIA? I ask? It went downhill from there. Insults, and abuse from the bastard in m'umbai...telling me to abandon my family responsibilities and relocate to asia. To get off my big american ass and think more realistically.
of course I immediately adopted a thick Indian accent and gave it right back as good as I got or better. Fluck the bastard from M'umbai and the avatar he rode in on, AND the company that he represents, Fleet Bank/Credit Card Co. I ended by suggesting that likely I would next get a job with a credit card collection company and be calling him around dinner to see if I could not add to the heat of the curry in his stomach.
Now, the kicker for the whole thing? Well, the call back numbers, all of them are so loaded with calls I could not sit there waiting hours to complain. I tried all the customer service numbers and the collection numbers and even his call number which the operator tells me is a referral number from the US.
But the real sweetness to the whole situation is that Fleet has sent me two packs of checks recently FOR THIS ACCOUNT! I am tempted to use their own checks to pay off (transfer) the balance back to itself to see what the hell happens. How will the next Indian collection agent to call know if the checks are on his own company? And if I use them by December I get 3.9% apr which has got to be better than the 28% they are charging now.
Now how is that for dinner aggravation? I could tell he really knew he blew it by owning up to being in India. Why, do you suppose, the company tells them to lie about where they are?
What a truly bizarre state of affairs.
*********************** I hope this passes the rule sniff test. Not too much profanity but I really am pissed.