PROPRIETARY programming code--code so secret that not even our elected secretaries of state are permitted to review it--both of these companies with Bush Cartel and far rightwing connections. That's all you need to know. The '04 election was non-transparent, unverifiable and invalid.
The Carter Center said this about our election system--that it did not meet MINIMUM standards for transparency and verifiability, and they therefore COULD NOT monitor the 2004 election.
When you add to this basic condition of non-transparency--two partisan corporations tabulating the vote with secret formulae--the fact that a third of the country had not even a basic "paper trail" (let alone a paper ballot backup)--meaning that those votes do not even exist, they CANNOT be recounted; that auditing is 1% at best (totally inadequate); that recounts are extremely difficult to obtain, cost millions of dollars, and, in the case of Ohio, were conducted illegally (non-random) with no consequences to the perps, and all sorts of other anti-transparent conditions, and conditions ripe for fraud (such as extremely insecure, hackable machines), you really must realize that we had a fraudulent election SYSTEM going in. The fraud occurred long BEFORE the election--when those contracts with private corporations were signed containing "trade secret" vote tabulation!
Go to your local county elections center and ask to see the votes, so that you can count them yourself. If they have any paper ballots, they won't let you see them. If all they have is electronic records re-confirming electronic tabulation, what is the use of "seeing" that? And if you ask to see a comparison of the actual votes with the electronic vote tabulation, they will tell you that, a) you are not permitted to see the votes (if they exist), and b) the vote tabulation is a TRADE SECRET!
You will have to file a lawsuit in order to even begin to verify the election.
Two companies, both highly partisan, counted most of the votes in secret, and fed the result of their secret formulae to the corporate news monopolies, who proceeded to "adjust" and falsify their own exit polls (showing a Kerry win) to "fit" the "official result" (Bush won) that was derived behind closed doors, with almost no checks and balances along the way.
Consider these conditions--a non-transparent, unverifiable, unverified, SECRET vote tabulation by partisan Bushites, and then consider this: The ONLY INDEPENDENT INDICATOR of WHAT REALLY HAPPENED--the exit polls--said KERRY WON.
A fact that the news monopolies conspired to hide from the American people.
Conditions were deliberately created (for instance, by Tom Delay blocking a "paper trail" requirement for electronic voting machines, and by the laxity of all oversight of these systems) to make it impossible to prove who won!
THAT is an invalid election, by definition. And...
Kerry won the exit polls--a separate indicator of the will of the people.
And this doesn't even get into ALL THE OTHER EVIDENCE of electronic and other kinds of election fraud--for instance, several studies that show a big difference between paper ballots (such as absentee ballots) and electronic results, with the latter always favoring Bush, or dozens of reported incidents of electronic touchscreens CHANGING Kerry votes to Bush votes. There is a ton of evidence like this, of electronic voting machine anomalies virtually all favoring Bush, of inexplicable numbers, and of Republican election officials blatantly violating the rights of minority and other Democratic voters.
But you don't even need this evidence, and you don't need the exit polls, and you don't need all the other evidence that Bush does not represent the majority of Americans (poll after poll after poll, going back over a year, on every issue--60% to 70% against), to know that this election was not valid, and that the conditions for an honest election were not present.
A non-transparent election system, and...AND a lot of evidence of a wrong outcome.
The flip was from a 3% Kerry win to a 2.5% Bush win. The 3% Kerry win (exit polls) was AFTER all the Democratic vote suppression (the exit polls only count those who made it to the voting booth). That flip could have EASILY been accomplished by one of many kinds of hacking in these extremely insecure electronic voting machines and tabulators, committed by only a handful of people--ONE hacker in each of the eastern time zone states where the evidence shows that the vote flip was concentrated. ONE HACK of the state's central tabulator, pre-programmed to do its deed and erase any trace of itself--flipping only a small percentage of votes in the states needed to win.
Who is checking? And HOW COULD they check? The precincts don't report how any particular voter voted. And in the best of circumstances, with the electronic voting--the optiscan--you have the ballot dumped into a box, while the "vote" (now turned into electrons) goes into the central tabulator. And what happens to the ballot? You think it gets counted anywhere? It does not. There is almost NO auditing. That physical ballot (the only proof of the vote) follows along LATER--AFTER the totals have already gone to CNN, ABC and brethren, and the winner is declared. The actual ballot gets IGNORED, and eventually thrown in the garbage. And that's in the best scenario. With the touchscreens, there IS no ballot.
When you combine these conditions with the obvious culture within the Republican Party in 2004, of fraudulently depriving Democrats of their vote wherever Bush needed it--by shorting Democratic areas on precincts and voting machines, by unfairly challenging the registrations of black voters, by disappearing 50,000 absentee ballots in a Democratic area two days before the election, by shredding Hispanic and Native American voter registration cards in western states (an operation paid for by the RNC), and on and on, the case for a stolen election becomes very strong. To hack the election would take only a handful of people operating within a culture of lies, deception and secrecy. And it's not as if the Bush regime was known for its insistence on fair play.
But I want to reiterate that the conditions for an honest election were not present. That is the main reality we must face, and MUST CHANGE. The burden of proof of an honest vote count must be on the election system and its officials, with complete transparency as the prime requirement. What we had was NO transparency. That MUST be changed. The burden should NOT be on a bunch of poor citizens scrambling after these officials, and trying to track a bunch of ELECTRONS from one machine to the next, and getting obstructed and lied to every step of the way!
(Note: It's my guess that Ohio--the most blatant Dem vote suppression--occurred because Kerry's win was so big. The electronic fraud was pre-programmed, and set to be as unnoticeable as possible, small percentages here and there--easily programmable. But it wasn't enough, and last minute tweaks were more risky, for instance, in most cases requiring company service personnel to go on site during the election. Blackwell was told to squeeze tighter--and then things started happening such as the extra voting machines for black precincts being kept in storage, creating 2 to 10 hour voting lines.)
(Note 2: Why were the Democratic Party leaders SILENT about Bushite companies counting our votes in secret? The answer is corruption. $4 billion alloted to the states to purchase these lemons--a mighty temptation to public officials. Lavish electronic voting machine company lobbying--such as the recent Beverly Hills junket for election officials from around the country, sponsored by Diebold, ES&S and Sequoia--a week of fun, sun and high end shopping, followed by a graduation ceremony in which OUR election officials were given "graduation awards."* The heady power of brokering these big business deals. Future job offers. "Revolving door" employment--just as with the military. Our party officials--who have sold out our right to vote for these lavish perks--are now beholden to PRIVATE companies for their election.)
*Check it out for yourself. Last week, at the Beverly Hilton...